Whoops. There you go with all those pesky facts.
Whoops. There you go with all those pesky facts.
This one is just trolling.
Don’t bother. This idiot is clearly not discussing in good faith, based on other comments on this forum.
Ok, now I know for a fact that you’re not actually interested in discussing this in good faith. Have you ever been poor? Probably not. I have. When you’re poor, you don’t have the ability to make certain healthcare decisions, because those decisions are being made for you. Sick? Tough shit, you can’t afford to see a…
Yeah, now I know you’re just spewing talking points, because this particular red herring comes out all the time, in spite of peer reviewed research proving the opposite. The 80/20 rule isn’t applicable to large employer plans—only to small employers and the individual market—and it has nothing to do with annual…
But, was he Abel?
Doctors and hospitals (and drug companies) are overpaid. That is not in question. However, you do not have an understanding of the fact that the number one driver of increasing costs in US healthcare are the administrative costs of private insurers, which account for upwards of one quarter of total expenditures in…
The Deep State strikes again!
Bingo. This is also one of the major factors into why single payer is so much cheaper. They prioritize primary and preventative care over specialists.
Are we Japan? No, we are not.
Or, try some reality:
The right wing media shitstorm is just over the horizon.
Glen Casada is the speaker now? Christ, that piece of shit from Williamson County (3rd wealthiest in the nation, BTW) is such a garbage person. Which, of course, makes him perfect for the job.
We already do it with the VA--and they have higher satisfaction scores than the private hospitals do.
It’s like these assholes have never heard about opportunity cost. Ask any random sample of people if they’d rather see a doctor for an ailment or minor injury, for little or nothing out of pocket; or if they’d rather do, literally, anything else, and I would bet folding money that an overwhelming majority of them…
Third, by adjusting your relationship to money to not be about the numbers, you are less likely to turn into a greedy bastard who views the accumulation of money above everything else—including family—the number one priority in your life.
One kid learned from my wife and I and has a pretty good grip on her finances.
Try reading that passage again: does it say that the kids are going to be asking their parents about their debts? No, it does not. Does it say that they will be paying attention to--and learning from--how the parents make their financial decisions? Yes. Yes, it does.
Suggesting that people can’t learn a lesson without experiencing it is an extremely limiting belief. Literally every lesson can be learned using someone else’s experience (outside of, like, learning to walk).
Actually, it doesn’t taste like soap to me. It just tastes like shit.