Third, by adjusting your relationship to money to not be about the numbers, you are less likely to turn into a greedy bastard who views the accumulation of money above everything else—including family—the number one priority in your life.
Third, by adjusting your relationship to money to not be about the numbers, you are less likely to turn into a greedy bastard who views the accumulation of money above everything else—including family—the number one priority in your life.
One kid learned from my wife and I and has a pretty good grip on her finances.
Try reading that passage again: does it say that the kids are going to be asking their parents about their debts? No, it does not. Does it say that they will be paying attention to--and learning from--how the parents make their financial decisions? Yes. Yes, it does.
Suggesting that people can’t learn a lesson without experiencing it is an extremely limiting belief. Literally every lesson can be learned using someone else’s experience (outside of, like, learning to walk).
Actually, it doesn’t taste like soap to me. It just tastes like shit.
Fun fact: research has demonstrated that the more out-of-pocket expenses you impose on insured people, the more they act like UNINSURED people. They just keep putting off their healthcare needs until they become really expensive and difficult to deal with. The whole fucking concept of “skin in the game” is a scam.
Hell, we don’t even ask and we still get told to not ask about it. I can’t even fathom the levels of hubris that it takes to actually start jamming your adult children about when they’re having a baby.
Barr, to Trump:
So, a contempt order will be forthcoming any minute now...right?
Unless you like LOTS of salt, don’t bother with KFC.
“What a sweet child!”
I’m wheely confused by this as well.
I want to know the stats on the used market.
Or more accurately, an abomination unto God and man for those people He chose for reasons known only to Him to know its true horror, and a cursed falsity to those He has cast out.
I’ll be trying this without the cilantro, because that stuff is an abomination unto God and man.
Republicans are defending--what--something like 22 seats? And you’re kicking about three races in which a Democrat has zero chance of winning? Give me a break.
I’ve done the drive from Taos into CO and back a number of times. That bridge never ceases to impress.
Better potatoes than 30,000 pounds of bananas.
A hissing noise could be heard coming from the tank, and when he reached in to tighten the valve, he claims it burst into flame.
Close enough.