
When he gets hungry enough, he’ll eat what you give him.

This is the deal, right here.  I’m all for any freshman from this group being as loud and obnoxious as they have to be.  It may actually lessen their chances of getting their souls sucked out of them before they are able to obtain a committee chair or other form of leadership.  Will they say/do something stupid and/or

If your (the royal “your”) grandparent(s) still live in the same place where they raised their respective families (not always a given, but is still somewhat common), then the solution is simplicity itself: just take them to the places where they’ve always eaten and enjoyed. It makes them happy and you get to spend

Glad you pointed out that pectin isn’t actually necessary.  I would also submit that it doesn’t take that much more cooking time to thicken the preserves properly so you don’t have to worry about loss of flavor.  My blueberry preserves (from our own bushes) consist of blueberries, sugar, and lemon juice.  That’s it. 

There’s this thing called The Google.

When I was a wee lad, I used to spend a fair amount of time in the restaurant where my parents worked.  My six-year old self would sit at the bar, where I would constantly grab the Maraschino cherries and lime slices and chow down, while the bartender would tease me mercilessly to the point where I would feel myself

I used to live near Bellhaven.  I can see this easily.

This is the reality that the vast majority of employers in this country fail to understand:  if you want happy, repeat customers, then you have to put the EMPLOYEES first, and the customers second.

Alaska already has UBI and it hasn’t destroyed their ability to get paid decently.

The treatment for the disease goes beyond 12 step meetings. Most 12 step fellowships freely acknowledge that often medical interventions are beneficial and necessary. Now, to your point about the accessibility of that medical intervention...we’re pretty screwed until we can eliminate the profit motive from healthcare

Yeah, looks like I’m shopping at Market Basket this weekend.  I wish their parking lot didn’t suck balls because I would go more often.

Thanks.  That’s some bullshit right there.


I stick with NM Green Chiles.

So, if I don’t like how shitty air travel is, then I can fly for free? Why the hell didn’t anybody tell me this before?

I’m probably just more tired than you and have less energy to get pissed off about this administration than I used to.

Damned commie.

Employers are more open to hiring people with criminal records because the unemployment rate is 3.8% and we’re actively suppressing immigration.  Employers are running out of options.

Odd that China doesn’t have something akin to eminent domain.

Beat me to it.  Congratulations.