
I only read the blurbs on the candidates that I have interest in supporting, so it was much quicker.

Well, Kraft Singles isn’t cheese.  However, there is such a thing as American Cheese which is actual cheese.

Goddamn, that movie was terrible then.

Best Healthcare In The World, right here folks.

Yeah, because Hillary’s supporters definitely weren’t a bunch of fucking assholes—and still are.

Man, I would have played the living hell out of that.

This is why I refuse to watch it now.  I learned my lesson after watching some TV shows that I loved when I was 10 and realized just how fucking terrible they were (in more ways than one) as an adult.

Sometimes I imagine a Black Hole/Blazing Saddles mashup where BOB is yelling “Someone’s got to go back and get a shitload of dimes!”

I loved that movie when I was a kid. Even had the picture book.

Hell, even the Apollo moon landings had better fake imagery.


What is that supposed to mean?

No, it’s American Cheese.  You can have a cheeseburger without bacon, but a bacon burger without cheese is simply not right.

Hitler was also a rather talented architectural artist who had problems drawing people which is why he couldn’t get into the Vienna art school of his choice.  I doubt Trump can draw anything more than stick people.

The license plates for these where I grew up would have the vehicle classification printed on them, and these were always “trucks”.

I had a roommate who had a Honda, and one day I asked him for the keys to get something I’d left in the car. I go out there, get in the car, can’t find the thing I’m looking for, start to panic...and then I notice that I’m in the wrong car and really start to panic. I get out, find the real car, get my stuff, go back

I’m not threatened at all. If someone wants to be a vegan, for example, they can certainly feel free to do so. However, the issue here is that there are vegans (to continue with the example) who want to have their meat and eat it too. If you (royal “you”) want to live a vegan lifestyle, then own it and stick to whole

Again:  your question lacks any capacity for the use of critical thought.  It does not deserve an answer. 

Ever had to choose between standing up for your principles and being unemployed?

My first thought.