
Can’t they just rage against the machine?

Did you ever read the article in Maxim when she was voted hottest woman or most perfectly fuckable or something? It basically was like oh har har shes great but would be so much greater if she was a c cup

Morphing into Candace Bergen

* free publicity

Laura was a babe

tell us more about the food!

“as a grieving father of two daughters....”

I think for some reason this movie and the Traveling pants movie have blurred into 1 giant movie full of teenage girls

when I first read this I was imagining you kept the tree in your tub

Kendall and Kylie don’t have any.....YET

This dress is......not that bad?

Thats for her bridal shower. Duh. Or morning after brunch

Thats basically all I can see when I look at the pic

Interesting that you said this! Last time I went to visit my mom (where I used to live) I could. not. keep. food. in. my. stomach. Wasn’t sick wasn’t hungover just a weird occurence. Prob stress of being on the lookout for old boyfriends to avoid haha

WHAT REALLY That is a pairing that would have never crossed my mind... Unless she was just using him to get to Gwyneth Paltrow or something

he is so fucking creepy

perhaps a Baz Luhrman Little Women?

Jo better end up with Laurie in one of them


tell him to fuck himself