
I saw that picture and realized something about her face reminded me of my friends annoying gf and I did a double ugh

She is dating purple shirt guy?

and now he has so much new material!!

extreme yikes-this story just keeps getting more fucked up


BUT HER HAIR THO....those bangs are BAD

I’m irritated by those fucking terrible bangs

Melancholia sucked. Lars Von trier sucks. New at 11.


1-3 might be the same-#4 def doesn’t want to be there that’s why her hair is darker

thought this was going to be Kurt Cobain before it loaded

I was with you until the electric assist


Yeah not hideous but not like wearable

Just googled FKAs engagement ring and it looks like something Edward would have given to Bella

leave the bump at home!

thats actually a chastity belt not a condom sorry

Yeah I feel like in winter women/ppl need to stick together and share wat actually works. Chicago winter are no joke! They used to cancel school because it was too cold to go outside when I went to grade school there.

The dude who _ (designs? owns? Coaches?) the brand created a high end all leather “nicer” version of Coach with I believe a different name so that his wife wouldn’t have the same purse as their housekeeper.

bleeeehhhhh. You know what it’s doing? trying too hard. Just like Coach. (which I unabashedly love and buy at Goodwill)