
oh holy shit, I LOVE this place. I went to school around there and my now-husband and I used to go there on dates.

Pictured: Majority of the world offering their energy to RBG

Anytime a man complains about #MeToo “going too far,” I say...

Stop trying to make “fire” happen.

Not everything is “fire”

I’m not able to fathom spending more than ten minutes with someone who talks the way he does. I get that an interview isn’t the same as a regular conversation, but GOOD LORD dude. Not everything is “fire.”

Thats fire

I keep waiting to maybe get the urge to be pregnant. Still waiting.

Also, Carrie Underwood can GTFO with that “women build up other women” shit. That’s the kind of bullshit Kellyanne Conaway tries to pull when people (rightfully) call her out for her terrible positions.


Firstly, this guy is definitely NOT good at sex with “his woman.” No man who is good at sex tells a woman he’s good at sex. He lets that be a happy surprise for her further along in the relationship (or further along that night, given the nature of the hook up).

And congratultaions!

RBG can do better.

So brave! A true ally!

Pete has “been going on dates, but it’s casual. He’s been trying to move on and live a more private life.”

Actually being in a relationship but having my own place is my ideal!

I agree with Natalie’s original statement. I think what rubs me the wrong way about Jessica touting her virginity while wearing a bikini is the implication that a woman’s sexuality exists to be enjoyed by everyone but her.

Michelle was, is, and always will be Queen Everything.

IMO menstrual blood is usually worse than poop, but the sheer quantity of poop in this situation was really just overwhelming!