Hmm. I wish to pose for an Instagram pic in front of this leopard.
Hmm. I wish to pose for an Instagram pic in front of this leopard.
“...she involved herself irreverently and perverted her path of life arrogantly to the way of carnal lust and away from poverty and obedience, and...she now wanders at large to the notorious peril to her soul and to the scandal of all...”
*hot cake
Well, I really don’t want to start off the day with a tri-state low-blood-sugar-induced murder spree, so breakfast it is.
Agreed! There has never been a moment in my life where I have turned down breakfast food!
Starred simply for screen name/comment synergy :)
Plastic surgeons: “We only wanted you to have self-esteem issues we could make money from”
Maybe she just cant see whats happening correctly with one eye on the news and the other at the wall. Yeah I said it. Fuck it. Fuck her.
Clio, pick out your Pulitzer Award outfit. This is excellent journalism. Particularly the video dancing to Drake.
Bump. Tweeting the Pope is genius.
I wrote the school, too. Then I tweeted the Pope. I hope thousands of people contact them all. I want someone to be held accountable for this.
Oh, and I hope their parents are on that bus, too.
I hope their bus crashes on the way home. Yes, I mean that. There is no fucking way these kids are going to grow up and be open-minded, caring, loving adults. They’re just going to stay virulent racists, and they look like they already come from privilege, so they’ll be rich and powerful racists. So we may as well…
Cannibal Witch, I really think your voice would find a much more fitting and appreciative home at I eagerly await articles on your recipes to get the best flavor out of the children you eat.
I read this not as satire of feminism but as satire of the Rosenberg Washington Post piece—that excusing an abhorrent position (child eating or anti-LGBTQ “morality clauses” in an employment contract) by saying “hey, but it’s great that a woman is doing something modern and non-traditional!” is ridiculous.
Nothing should be about Rob Kardashian, ladies. Do better.
I’m not ready to take “funny” lessons from somebody writing a humorous-less 4 paragraph confused rant on a joke article.
Generous pic of Rob ya got there
How pedantic. Both the Wetterling and Closs abductions dominated the news cycle on a near daily basis when they happened in the Minneapolis/St. Paul (where I live) news market as that is the nearest major metropolitan area to both abductions.