
It’s hard because my eyes like him a lot, but my head can’t stand him. A quandary, as it were.

I haven’t engaged in relations in quite a long time, but my last hook up was right after a bad break up. I just needed some new d real quick and called on a guy I had hooked up with randomly from time to time. Then the guy threw a literal tantrum when I told him he couldn’t sleep over, complete with stomping out and

Must comment to say peach yogurt is the best yogurt. Also I wish I was at your bbq it sounds like it was delicious!

10/10 will watch

She and I are the same age, and she could easily pass as 10-15 years older than me. Yikes!

“She’d be nothing without me. I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”

Jesus god I hope so!

I support your theory. I’d like to see some additional data on this. Just pulling numbers out of my arse, let’s say they made $50 million from this drug, and only 10 women had complications. Settle the lawsuits for $1 million each, and they still made a tidy $40 million profit. That $2.5 million in doctor payoffs is a

I laughed way too hard at all these pics

Ariana and Pete bother me too. I think it’s because they’re so in your face “omgggg we’re so in luuuuuuuuv!!!” Nick and Priyanka have been to a few events together, but I never really hear much else about them. I always feel like the people shoving their love down everyone’s throats are in it for the show and not much

I need that introverts shirt!

I weigh more now than I did 5 years ago, but I wear 1 size smaller. But try explaining that to my sister who is only concerned with the number on a scale.

My Y has fitness classes too, and I love them. They’re generally 45 minutes to an hour and more fun than just using machines. It’s usually me and the same group of older women, and there’s never any judgment. 

I’m a member of the Y. I do several “balanced body” classes and hit the weight machines. There are a few dudebros there, but not nearly as bad as the old gym I went to. Plus, my health insurance gets me a discounted membership! Yay Y!

“Everyone, please be more like Elin Ersson, the Swedish student who protested a man’s deportation by refusing to sit down on her flight.” That only worked because authorities declined to use force to get her off the plane. As we all know, that’s not how we do things in 'Murica.

My cat does this and also photographs

Omggggg she’s so cuuuuute!!!!! I wanna scratch her chin and boop her nose!!!!!!!

Lol at “this ice cream is the one bit of happiness that I will get out of this week, how hard is it for you to make my damn order.”

I’ve worked since I was 14 at plenty of menial jobs, but the WORST was clerking at a law firm the summer after my first year of law school where one of the partners bought me lingerie. Appropriate! It’s the only job I ever had legit anxiety going to. The best summer job was working at a deli/convenience store with my f

Lolol I had to go back and look, but you’re so right!