
I’m also blonde and pale. No pinks or yellows but blues and reds are my jam!

Every time I see her brassy hair I think how had her colorist not heard of toner? The only reason for this particular hue that I can think of is that this is the exact shade daddy demands she keep it. Puke.

I would have vomited immediately right in his face. I admire her ability to control that automatic reflex.

I’ve never checked into a facility, but I’ve seen a therapist when times are particularly rough. My anxiety can lead to insomnia and nausea/dry heaving, which is when I know it’s time for a tune up. I would say any thoughts of self harm should be an immediate sign that treatment is necessary. I don’t know if this comme

When all that was going down I remember thinking what would happen if these were POC or *gasp* Muslim folks. I didn’t think about it too long because the answer was obvious: they would have all been shot on site and the stand off would have lasted about an hour. These assholes are white and will therefore be protected

Classic victim blaming. “Why didn’t you do xyz in response to being assaulted?” Fuck off 50 cent, you stopped being relevant 15 years ago. BYE.

I’ll be damned if I stay with a dude who doesn’t know the names of my pets.

I honestly would have paid big money to witness the highbrow shade the Queen threw at him, which undoubtedly soared way over his head, but I like to think she had herself a good giggle once he was gone.

“People die because some are fucking selfish idiots who drive while they are drunk.” This is true, but then the charge is vehicular manslaughter, not just DUI.

Good thing climate change isn’t real or else this would be troublesome!

Oh I’m a sucker for antique stores and estate sales. I have a bunch of jewellery, mostly costume stuff, but I do have a couple nice pieces I’m afraid to wear much because I dont want to lose them!

Omg that’s really top notch.

I’ll just rewatch Mystic Pizza for the billionth time, thanks!

Is this for real the movie poster?

I recently got the heel of my shoe stuck in a sidewalk while leaving work and proceeded to fall and scrape both knees. I can assure you, it hurt like hell and took forever to heal :(

The article says she was on meth because of her addiction to pain killers. Once again, big pharma wins, a baby is dead and this woman’s life is destroyed.

But then Anna would be sad :(


Dropping out should have been her first response.

and individual families — need to be much better prepared with their own supplies...”