
I was sent an unsolicited dick pic on a dating app (his first message even!) and let the guy know I’d be sharing it with my friends so we could all laugh at how skinny and crooked it was. He took it...not well. Said app was promptly deleted, and I’ve never looked back. :)

I agree! I will watch ALLLLLLL the period drama thank you!

Nooooo! He and Anna have a baby now! THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!!!!

So would I *wink*


I love the rings around the eyes! So spot on! Lolololol

I’ve been single for going on 5 years and dont think I’ll ever get married, but IF I ever do, I would totally get an antique/vintage ring. People tell me that’s weird because it was once someone else’s and/or could have bad juju, but I like the idea of giving new life to something that was once special to someone. Love

It IS beautiful! Go and take a night cruise on the river, you won’t regret it!

I was thinking more along the lines of an unbreakable curse leading to certain death, but yours is probably more realistic.

The reason these lip kits became such a thing was because kylie enhanced her lips beyond the point of recognition and was like “I didn’t get fillers guys! I just love super overlining my lips!” Her young and impressionable fans bought into this story and then bought her product. It’s gross really.

I love stuff like this and can’t wait to find out who/what is inside, but I sure as shit wouldn’t want to be the one to open it.

a 10,000 year old cantankerous and poorly dubbed witch”

Right? Like I feel a little guilty when someone automatically gives me the “student rate” price for something (thanks, sunscreen!) even if I don’t actively try to deceive them. I don’t understand how she lives with herself.

I rolled my eyes at the first name, but like Kiari. It’s pretty and unique.

Omg I know! I travel a couple times per year and I’m guaranteed at least one snarky “I’m saving for my kids to go to college, must be nice to spend all your money on vacations” and I’m like YEAH ITS REAL NICE SUCKAS!

Right. I doubt the shark thought “hmm this is just a gram model hungry for likes, must not bite and ruin the shot.” It was likely curious and/or thought it was something it could eat and took a lil nib. Wildlife is not here for our amusement people! (Though I did find this story particularly amusing heh).

You are correct, I’ve never paid off a stranger’s electric bill. I do, however, routinely give both my money and my time to charitable causes. Unfortunately, I’m not independently wealthy, and I can’t solve the world’s problems by myself. I do believe we fundamentally disagree on this issue, and no amount of internet a

Maybe you missed these parts of the story:

Wait, then who is Alec Baldwin’s daughter? The one he screamed at and called a selfish pig or something when she was like 13? I thought this was her?

SAME! I secretly love hearing my coworkers whine about their weekends spent at youth sporting events, cleaning up poo, attending birthday parties, etc., and I’m like I went on a hike with my dog, drank a bottle of wine and binged Stranger Things. And on Sunday I napped! I know they talk shit on me when I walk away, but