I have to admit that I don't get why we're okay with domestic violence if it comes from a woman. Yeah, he was/is a philandering asshole, but I can only go so far in praising her badassery.
I have to admit that I don't get why we're okay with domestic violence if it comes from a woman. Yeah, he was/is a philandering asshole, but I can only go so far in praising her badassery.
It's my kids' term of endearment for me, but since I'm Canadian, they call me "Vodka Mum."
I have nothing again micro-peens (hey, I can work with anything), but still the guy in the middle on the beach in #29 doesn't look anywhere near as embarrassed as he should be.
Are you kidding? This is the best post EVAR!
HelLO?! What about the two classics: Frank Langella in Lolita (as he runs in slomo, robe open, weiner and saggy-old-man scrotum flapping) AND Douglas Henshall's quick tumescent knob flash as he disengages from his sister's business in Angels and Insects???!!
I don't think that's true. I'm a middle-aged woman with kids this age. I'd try to get her to call her mum to pick her up. I think most women I know would as well.
Oh come ON.
I have a number of retractable fountain pens. I always loved fountain pens, but found taking the lid off and putting it on again a pain. These are lovely (but pricey): http://www.fountainpenhospital.com/Index_Showcase…
Some people just like the tactile experience of binders, tabs, and highlighter pens.
And for the most reductive response to the entire Ghomeshi affair yet, see Gabor Mate's attempt at feminist enlightenment: http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commen…
OOOOOOooooooh! I had no idea! This is awesome! I thought it was seven years unless you were underage when the assault occurred and then it was seven years from the time you turned eighteen. Where did I get this wrong information...perhaps from watching US crime shows?
Does Stedman write his tweets drunk? How is that even a sentence?
Yes. So am I. I am very pleasantly surprised at how quickly the women involved were believed, particularly in light of some FB posts I read early on that indicated a tendency to believe this vile person's claims based on his FB post because we apparently all know how crazy and vengeful ex-girlfriends can be. Barf.
This gif made me remember that Whoopi wore blue contacts for a few years.
I think he may be enough of a narcissist to believe that he was untouchable. And he thought it was three women: a "vengeful" ex-girlfriend and two women she'd apparently convinced to talk.
This article gives a nice overview of the reasons Ghomeshi likely took the approach he did (see the last few paragraphs): http://business.financialpost.com/2014/10/31/jia…
Here is the story to which Brown was actually referring: http://canadalandshow.com/article/exclus…
"Brown said on his podcast that he was working on a "monster" story that would be "worse than embarrassing for certain parties". Brown has told the Star that he was referring to a different story, and it had nothing to do with Ghomeshi. Sources connected to CBC and Navigator said they now understand this to be the…
Kittens (and cat) seem pretty unimpressed. On the other hand, that porch is awesome.
Really? Did you really do this?