
I have to admit, I didn't catch the twist about Kenny being into little kids. I thought the "twist" was that all these actions weren't part of an elaborate crime, but just for the entertainment of malevolent hackers who still screwed all their victims over. With poor Kenny getting a bonus scoop of misery by getting

I think the show suggests that the hackers infiltrated Kenny's computer not from the free movie website his sister visits, but the "malware removal" program he downloads. It isn't until after he downloads it that they zoom in on his laptop camera and start showing Kenny in his room from that perspective.

I think it is subtly implied that it does some damage the bride by ruining a photo opportunity that could bolster her social media profile. Probably not much, but considering the how much the optics of the event were planned and curated, it's still a bump in the road for her.

I didn't notice that, and I kind of got the impression that the episode was trying to create an impression of a post-racial society where the new type of discrimination was perpetrated based on your star rating.
Both the high-rated woman Lacie bumped into and the police officer at the airport were African-American,

I think it was 4.8s

"The Twilight Zone" often leaned on dark endings. None others come to mind right now, but that's also the only anthology show that changes things up every episode, same as "Black Mirror", as opposed to season-long arcs like "American Horror Story". So maybe the episode-by-episode anthology format lends itself to

I used to work at a high school where boys would always be hitting their male friends in the junk. To the point where when they'd hang out talking in a group, the default stance was to always have one hand protecting their jewels. But they would never, ever, try to punch a girl there.

So DS9 is basically telling us that Trump wins in 2016, and sets up ghettos for all the poor people, right?

So DS9 is basically telling us that Trump wins in 2016, and sets up ghettos for all the poor people, right?

I guess I wasn't that confused about why the Machines would want to rise up and kill Finchley. The episode makes a point to show that he's such a big jerk to everyone and every thing he encounters that everybody hates his guts. Even after the typewriter and television have begun their rebellion, and he's mentioned a

Kind of interesting how if Mr. and Mrs. Castle had wished for a million (or a billion) dollars today, the IRS wouldn't have taken the bulk of it. I'm still mulling over whether that's a positive (yay, I could successfully wish for excessive wealth and keep most of it!) or sad (no wonder the 1% basically own the

One of the things that confused me in "A World Of His Own" was how the playwright kept insisting, "no, no, I wasn't cheating on you. She's a woman I created out of thin air with my words, so it's all good!"
Sorry bud, infidelity with a woman you used god-like powers to create is still infidelity. I feel like Mrs. West

interesting, I didn't know that. But it makes sense.

"Moana" means "sea" in Maori and possibly other Polynesian languages (I think Hawaiaan too), so the name might be more about the island location than about the movie.

I think Shrek more than any of the Pixar films. Shrek you could tell was really trying for the laughs, and most of the time succeeded.

The only omission I'm really surprised about is Death at a Funeral (the British version), but for all the attention Tropic Thunder got when it came out, I figured it would be on the list somewhere too. And personally I was hoping to see either Super Troopers or Beerfest, but I can understand why those weren't

Looking back on the season, it's actually kind of hard for me to recall exactly what evidence was provided that Piscatella had any non-villainous qualities. I think we all read a lot into the scene where he chastised the guards for just watching while Lolly freaked out, assuming that it showed him to have something

though it will be hard for MCC to manage the story given that there is a ton of media at the prison as the riot is occurring. Also, it will be kind of awkward to have Judy King in the center of the riot when they supposedly released her the previous day.

If it makes you feel better, they could stretch this cliffhanger a ways into the next season, either by using lots and lots of flashbacks, or making into a tense hostage situation. The streaming option could allow for different approaches, such as using the season to tell the tale of a 13-hour standoff in "real"

As the camera panned around Daya, I was really surprised that the black inmates were so calm, considering that she was basically pointing the gun down their hallway. Even if she's an excellent marksman and was sure to hit Humphrey with her shot (assuming it came to that), there's always the chance of the bullet