
I don't remember Poussey "assaulting" Bayley at all. She jumped in to intervene, which was basically trying to tell Bayley to calm down and it wasn't necessary to take Suzanne to psych. If she instigated any contact at all with a CO, it was to put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

I did kind of like Maria questioning whether Daya was the right person to pick up the gun.

I just thought it was setting Poussey up for disappointment because Judy was obviously full of shit.

Wow, what a gut punch. I had successfully avoided any spoilers, so as the prisoners started standing on tables at the end of the episode, I was thinking, "How exciting! The inmates are uniting in solidarity, setting up a dramatic showdown in the final episode!" But then the cameras kept rolling.

nobody trying to revive her does kind of square with the incompetent prison guard theme.

yeah, you could tell how desperate she was to have one weekend with her boyfriend without having to worry about her (older?) sister. Then the one time she does that happens, I can't even imagine the layers of guilt.

don't forget, she also told a joke about a retarded penguin, so she also hates the developmentally disabled!

I could be wrong, but I think Blanca was sent to psych in season 1, when she freaked out after she realized that the cell phone she hid in the bathroom stall had been taken (another case of Piper inadvertently screwing over a Dominican inmate). When Pennsatucky had her brief stay in psych I could have sworn that

Watching the night of terror in this episode made me think of the chapter in Catch 22, "The Eternal City". That's the one where Yossarian walks through Rome at night witnessing a series of terrible and grotesque vignettes, and the point in the novel where it fully switches from "people reacting in quirky ways to deal

he had prison keys, though those could be as easy to obtain as a guard uniform.

So is Piper's movement basically an analogy for what's happening with the Republican party? (At least from a liberal point of view)
She starts off using monetary profit at a rationalization to oppress people, and while tip-toeing around race issues in a "hey, I'm just describing certain characteristics. If you say the

don't forget Dohnut Guy. I think his real name is Coates

really Maritza should have been asking about what kind of airbags the car you're driving has. Also, flies all the way. I'm pretty sure I accidentally swallow a few flies whenever I take a long bike ride anyway.

Regardless of the fact that Piper never intended to start a white power gang, let's remember that her primary intention in starting the group was to create an organization of prison snitches who would disrupt a rival business.
It's her actions with this goal in mind that created the long-term negative consequences for

in fairness to Watson, I think she's spent a lot more time in SHU than any of the major characters currently in Litchfield's Minimum Security Wing. Maybe that messed up her head and accentuated her jerk-ish tendencies.

I'm referring to the scene in this episode where Ruiz was in Piscatello's office. When Ruiz asked why Piper wasn't getting punished and harassed for doing the exact same thing she was, Piscatello brushed it off saying something like, "Oh sure, the very person who fed us the information that caught you is actually your

On a totally different topic, looks like you were right about Piscatello truly falling for Piper's manipulation. I'm very disappointed.

You're right that it was really the first time he seemed to actually listen to an inmate. It just makes the most sense to me that he's just playing the part to get information, given what they've shown about his character. I wouldn't be surprised if the show went in the direction that he's actually believing her at

My best guess is that he thinks all prisoners are manipulative scum, Piper included, but if it makes it easier for him to catch inmates with weapons and stamp out gangs in their infancy, then he's willing to play along.

Maybe later episodes might prove me wrong, but I don't know that he's being a gullible dope by acting on the information Piper is telling him. He may very well realize that Piper has an ulterior motive for ratting on the Latinas, but it's also his job to prevent gang activity. That string of razor blades they found