
My favorite Suzanne line of the episode (though slightly paraphrased):
"And now that Obama is president, we can…"
"Be in prison!"

I'm ok even with anachronistic pop culture references. I'm not watching it because it's historical fiction.

I'm imagining your frustration when, after carefully planning the timing of your crime, arrest, trial and sentencing, you arrive in prison, head to the recreation room to watch the season premiere, and other inmates have a soccer game on.

They could have had Cindy and the so-far nameless Muslim woman interact on the show (maybe the new girl starts hanging out with Taystee, Cindy and the rest), and done it in a creative and original way. Instead, it's been presented as "Uh oh, a Jew and a Muslim sharing a cubicle!" which as you say is obvious. I

Also, pretty clear that the subtext is that he was describing his own transformation. I remember him saying something about the place forcing people to do things they're not proud of

I'm glad that they haven't really dipped into that lazy well yet, but I groaned really hard in the first episode when of course they had to set up a Muslim and a Jew as roommates. I'm hoping the writers behave themselves in future episodes too.

For 'Paradise' I was kind of disappointed that they didn't have Alixus stay with the colony, only to be subjected to the terrible box punishment that she designed.
As for 'Shadowplay', all I can say is that has to be the worst pillow talk ever by Vedek Bareil. Making out is not the time to be giving a detailed

For 'Paradise' I was kind of disappointed that they didn't have Alixus stay with the colony, only to be subjected to the terrible box punishment that she designed.
As for 'Shadowplay', all I can say is that has to be the worst pillow talk ever by Vedek Bareil. Making out is not the time to be giving a detailed

according to Estately, other top questions for NC included "Who built the Great Wall of China?", so at least that one wasn't #1.

maybe that's why they have to use google to figure out when it's on?

and now everyone thinks they might be psycho from the meth?

I believe that is what abstinence-only education gets you

Hoosiers not understanding satire and Nebraskans' ignorance of Tinder are also pretty funny.

Medical school obviously requires a lot of intelligence, but it's also very specialized information that might not be applicable to a trivia contest.
My assumption would be that a journalist whose work consists of speaking to a variety of people about different topics would know more general trivia than a doctor.

Maybe he was busy reaching out to Mrs. Miller?
"So, I hear you're single now…"

Or they could have gone with a Weekend At Bernie's inspired scene with Durant's carcass on the Oval Office couch, wearing sunglasses.

Frank's misdeeds regarding Russo and Zoe were mentioned in a note that Lucas wrote before he shot the president. The FBI found it, I can't remember if it went public, but I'm sure that someone as connected as Durant would have got wind of it anyway.

Yeah, I didn't think much of the speech. But yeah, given everything you mentioned in your last paragraph, there was no speech in all of language that could possibly unite the nation behind an all-Underwood ticket, so I figured the show's writers decided not to even try.

I assumed the Pollyhop/Google thing is because of copyrights or that Google didn't want to pay the show, but neither of these are issues with ISIS. Why the name change to ICO?

what if the daughter is an awful person too? Though to be fair, probably because her mother was also awful.