
I really liked Quark's role in "Siege". His defense of a wounded Nog wasn't the first time he killed; Quark also killed two Jem Hadar when he freed Rom from imprisonment last season.
And his complaints about battle could be read abstractly as a general criticism of war, but in terms of the character, I think he's

I know this is years late, and I haven't looked downthread to see if anyone else has done it, but what would be the Niners lineup that maximizes all their skill sets? Here's what I came up with:

also, if a count of the prisoners finds that 11 are missing, do you assume that they hid in a secret, hidden swimming pool that nobody knew about or that they ran off through the big hole in the fence? You don't even hear about the fence escape mentioned as a possibility. Wouldn't the SWAT leader at least bring it

Not only has the Nurse been hanging out in medical for two days without any attempts to escape (or even find food), but we're also supposed to believe that he's somehow scared enough of Angie waving a tiny scalpel in his face to just become a hostage and perform a finger transplant.

Takis are everywhere. I live in a small rural town in Oregon, and my kids have been eating them for years. I thought they were a pretty ubiquitous thing for anybody who has school-age kids, but maybe it is just Mexican thing (my kids' school is about 40% Latino).
Takis have also lost a lot of market share recently

I guess I'm in the minority here, but I appreciate the Tom Yates character. Any time he appears on screen, I know it's a good time to get up and get a snack or take a whiz. With no commercials on Netflix, that's an important thing.

So Changeling-Bashir was going to pilot his runabout directly into the the sun to cause a supernova, which would also have killed him. I feel like suicide missions sort of conflict with the "No changeling has ever killed another" ethos. Or can someone explain how the Founders could justify sending one of their own

So what are the rules in "The Next Phase" for people's abilities to pass through objects? If Geordi can push the Romulan guy through a wall and into space, what prevented Ro and the Romulan from falling through the floor when they were wrestling? How did they manage standing on any ground without sinking anyway? Or

One of the things I found interesting about "The Prime Mover" is that Ace invites the deep pocketed gangster to his hotel room and they play a high stakes game of…dice? Is that something big roller did back then? It just seems kind of silly to watch the two high rollers hovered on the floor over dice.

"Rom is still stuck on the night shift (working on waste-extraction units, which must be fun; also, is this the first time anyone has ever mentioned “waste extraction” on Star Trek?)"
Four years late to the party, I know, but I wanted to point out that part of the banter between O'Brien and Muniz at the beginning of

Dang, now when I go out to bars and don't order budweiser, people will think I'm some sort of xenophobe

Yeah, I think McNutt assumed that Astrid was six because she was coming from school, but it's almost certainly preschool, given the appearance of the child actress, the timeline of Jan's pregnancy, and the topics Jan was singing about.
The passage, "without telling Helene (who, along with Donna, lacked distance from

Wow, weird to see this mention of Donald Trump from 4 years ago. If only your 2012 self knew how right you were…

Wow, weird to see this mention of Donald Trump from 4 years ago. If only your 2012 self knew how right you were…

yeah, and it also kinds of brings up the question of how the bees find their targets so quickly. The columnist was at her home address, so that makes sense, and I guess we're lead to believe the rapper appearing on a parking garage security camera alerted a nearby bee to his location. I guess a government safe house

No. You're actually Hitler!

It's also really easy to swallow the propaganda when there are a bunch of violent people with guns who think that the roaches are inhuman monsters.
"Hey, isn't the problem genetic? Why do we have to burn the food?"
"That sounds like roach-lover talk. Get him!"

This was a nice episode to watch. It didn't take long for me to catch on to what was really happening. As Zach said, the fact that the show is Black Mirror means that a setting of the 1980s isn't going to be played straight, and there are lots of hints dropped in the conversations.
It is such a sweet, low-stakes

maybe he was hoping she'd reply with, "You don't like it? Guess I better take it off then."

The only explanation I can find for a pun is that, while the song sings "Heaven is a place on earth" the camera shows Yorkie's and Kelly's disks being maintained by robots in a big warehouse. They both died and for all intents and purposes are enjoying a heavenly afterlife, and it turns out that Heaven is a warehouse