
I don't think Picard was so excited about the visuals he was getting from the visor as much as finally getting to see the world as Geordi sees it. It wasn't about the technology as about the empathy, which is why Picard is a badass captain.

She had an earlier conversation with Dev where she mentioned that she'd always wanted to move to Tokyo. And I agree that moving to a new country isn't the romantic experience you think it is when you talk about it in a New York bar. Rachel and Dev are in for a lot of loneliness and culture shock, though I think that

I'm sure there are plenty of pasta schools in Italy that cater to paying tourists, which is essentially what Dev will be.

I don't think the scene was meant to be realistic, more kind of spelling out the points about marriage and (in)fidelity the episode was exploring. I guess that does run sort of counter to the rest of the series, which seems to strive for a tone of realism, but I dug it.

I was waiting for a line about why he was in his underwear, but I really liked that the best he could do was "I was here to fix the closet".

I thought Hope had a younger brother? I think she mentioned once how he was all alone with his parents dead and her in prison*.

There's also the element that she killed her lover's spouse, after expressing frustration that the messy and prolonged divorce was impeding her relationship with her lover. Not to mention that Hogarth is a high profile lawyer, and its probably known in the law enforcement community that her ruthlessness has no limit.

Yeah, that was really jarring for a character who has mostly been smart and observant up to this point. Maybe they'll come back to it in a later episode, but I don't see the reason for Simpson going into such detail over the pills and the exact side effects, if that information wasn't going to get used. He could

The suicide bombing happened pretty soon after Jessica drugged him. Maybe it takes a while for the anesthetic to dissolve his control?
Speaking of the limits of his powers, while I know that his mind control is an amazingly powerful ability to have, the time limit must get tedious. Twice a day he had to "remind"

Yeah, I wondered how they really expected to repopulate the planet with half a dozen kids. It made me wonder if the big secret was that the Aldeans stopped having kids because they somehow forgot about the relationship between sex and reproduction. It would've fit with how out of touch they were, and the reveal,

the Dumbo scene that traumatized me more was when his mother lost her shit and got subdued and chained up by the circus crew.

Hello from the future!
I didn't catch that, but I notice when Ben is laying out the long-game strategy for Leslie before she gives her closing remarks, notices something's bothering her and asks: "What's the matter with you?"
Leslie: "I can do it."
Which of course is a nod to the final timeout scene in Hoosiers:

I just wanted to point out that in season 2, when Leslie goes on the blind date and gets an MRI from Will Arnett's dickish MRI tech character, he talks about Leslie's uterus:
"You've got ample room in there. Honestly, if you wanted to, you could go triplets right off the bat, Leslie."

The Devil went down to Georgia?

Maybe it wasn't explicitly mentioned, but I think it was heavily implied. I remember a scene that episode where Piper was talking with her lawyer, aka Larry's dad, and he basically told her, "do the smart thing, testify against this man". I don't know why he'd tell her that if there wasn't a huge incentive, since


the entire series is Bender's last moment of consciousness from inside the suicide booth from the pilot, like "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge". The instant before the machine destroys him, Bender fantasizes about a human from the past named Fry who rescues him from suicide and befriends him

oh I didn't notice Donaldson was there too. Yeah, you'd think that he'd notice the inherent fishiness of the situation. I understand that Piper probably fed the information through her crooked guard, but I'm feel that the fact that the guy who was stupid enough to pepper-spray himself suddenly had a hunch that lead

One of the guards searching her cube was Piper's boyish mule, so it probably wouldn't have done much good to rat her out. Even if it wasn't that guy, the fact that the guards searching her were incompetent newbies (one overreacted with pepper spray to an Uno argument, the other didn't have the gumption to rescue

Kubra beat the charges, meaning that he's technically innocent in the eyes of the law, and therefore Piper could've been telling the truth. The consequence of the whole thing is that Piper didn't get early release, the way Alex did.
Also, as others have said, even if he had been convicted of running an international