On behalf of the sleazy punks, fuck you.
On behalf of the sleazy punks, fuck you.
What are the odds he takes a shortcut and becomes a policeman?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Presidents of cop unions are the most dangerous assholes in this country.
We all do it, to some degree, and especially at jobs or in professions that are as tight knit as being a football coach. It's a couple of things. First, big-time college football jobs are rare and well-paid. Second, it is hierarchal. People are instructed to stay within a "chain of command" and "do their job." In…
In the deposition, McQueary claims that when he told Bradley about what he had seen, Bradley was not shocked.
“If OKC really wanted him, they should have built a new arena like Golden State is.”
We have to feed the delusion that teams belong to cities and not rootless billionaires who DNGAF.
Agree...I love the “this is the team that drafted him” argument...you mean the team that paid him peanuts on an indentured contract he had no choice to sign? Like he’d have gone to fucking OKC if he’d been a free agent after leaving college.
exactly. I want to see a skit where an ESPN talking head talks about a person (a woman?) who leaves a job for a pay raise, etc. I can see hilarious moments like how leaving makes her a whore and how she shows no loyalty to the company who was under paying her. Probably would be even funnier if it was a pro athlete…
Indeed. These debates really bring out people’s pro-management bias. Underneath it all, athletes are labor, but labor sufficiently privileged to occasionally choose the location of their work. Why shouldn’t Durant do what he wants? What the fuck does he owe the Thunder?
It’s funny (by which I mean mind-bogglingly stupid) when grown-ass men debate sports decisions as if there was some kind of serious moral principle at stake. Oh no, a player chose to win and have fun over not winning and not having fun; stop the presses!
This is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve ever heard. So pro athletes are bad guys when they go for the biggest bucks. But they’re bad guys when they go for less bucks to go to a team that is most likely to get them a ring. I guess the only right move KD could have made would be to take less bucks to go to the Knicks.
This is such a cop-out. He is clearly just doing this to avoid getting punched in the balls by Draymond in next year’s playoffs.
Prediction: At some point this season, in the midst of a 30-point game streak that will dwarf anything MJ or Joe Dimaggio has ever done, Russell Westbrook will spontaneously combust live on television. He will posthumously be awarded MVP.
I don’t see the big deal. Everyone should want to save America’s pastime. I believe this lady, who holds baseball in a special place in her heart. Why convolute this issue with facts, numbers, faces, or reality? Support our troops.
Sounds like someone’s jealous they keep getting their pegging requests rejected
“Think you’re cute? You’re still never gonna win American Idol!”