
The can go on strike but it would be a wildcat. Taft hartley says that whoever scabs for them can permanently replace them, but who is going to scab right now? 

What type of fascist baseball bureaucrat can write a fucking letter like that??

Like armdancer said, institutions and organizations are set up to perpetuate themselves and structured to protect those in power.


the state is a tool for the rich to maintain and expand their power and their standing army is a way to protect and expand their interests both domestically and abroad. Curious to listen to the podcast.

fuck the police

most millenial sports headline ever

the 4chan racists will consider it as such and probably dox this guy.

good reason to mask up a la black bloc/antifa

fuck adult supremacy

It doesn’t, because I preferred to swing a hammer then punch numbers and tell people what to do. I’m sure your crew loves you with your insightful perspective into their work ethic though.

I worked construction, the reason we didnt give a fuck is because we had no ownership and were told what to do by overpaid assholes with “construction management” degrees. Sound familiar?

which probably includes several managers

high speed chases totally make sense

“yet no arrests were made at the time, because police said “the threats and weapons were not captured on video.”

Fuck the police.

As a work-live dweller in San Francisco who is being evicted at the end of the month to make room for a tech start-up, I speak from experience when I say that we don’t want “artist-housing” or subsidized spaces. These warehouses are more than just cheap rent; they are raw spaces, waiting to be sculpted by the creative

How about fighting to build organizations, communities, and solidarity networks to protect the most vulnerable among us.