
Always tryna get at that 2nd Amendment.


He probably isn’t that bad. There area subtle nuances at play when works are translated into English from the original Canadian.

This is good kinja.

It's pretty accurate considering Golden State got smoked last night.

Fun Fact: The Warriors lost the same number of games in the playoffs as they did in the regular season. Regardless of what you think that indicates, that’s crazy.

Good now I won’t feel so bad when it burns down during the GOP convention

Nothing symbolizes Cleveland better than thousands of people outside of an arena named after a predatory loan company, celebrating something occurring California, benefiting million and billionaires that will have exactly no positive impact on their lives.

Did you ask your partner before you left this comment

I’m pissed the guy on the bottom right thought of having jazz hands tattooed on his chest before me.

Unsexiest. pokemon. ever.

This man is a walking piece of shit. He’s not a cute pokemon.

Speaking of Red Krayola, you ever get into Kangaroo?

Muhammad Smalli

That’s bananas! I love that so much :) And here I thought it was cool when Adam F. Goldberg wrote back on my posts about “The Goldbergs” on AVClub!

I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

Cavs in 9

Make fun all you want, but Peter Gammons is one of the world's busiest and foremost acronymologists. While we blather on and on, Gammons can fit 140 words into 140 characters.