These guys figured out this one weird trick. Neurologists hate them!
Was it the one-armed man?
He’s got doodoo and chocolate all over his hands, touching my handlebars.
He’s hoping they do. And that they bury you with something valuable.
It’s the most right-leaning candidate of the 2016 election cycle!
Hey, remember a few years back, Bose (the people normally known for speakers) came out with what seemed to be a…
And I replaced three bulbs so that I’d actually have functioning turn signals. I never use them, but they’re there...
You know how people keep complaining about having their comments grayed?
I bought an abandoned 1966 Mustang by contacting the lot owner. A professor at UVA had died, and just left the car sitting near campus.
Now this is a cool article, well done.
I think the money would go muuuuuuch better to buy Jalopnik from Gawker Media, myself.
I do believe Mr. Stang70Fastback will be by shortly to tell you how much fun he had with his BRZ over the winter. Judging from the pics and the frozen lake racing video, I’ll say the Toyobaru (Subyota?) twins might be even more fun in the winter!
Hell yeah it shouldn’t exist. It’s a waste of resources. Now let me lament the state of the industry in peace.
I’d hit that.
It’s not really call-it-what-you-will though. I mean it might be on Kotaku or Deadspin or whatever but Jalopnik is an auto enthusiast site and what we’ve seen in this video is not drifting or power-sliding, and I don’t think it’s hair-splitting to call that out. And speaking just for myself I read this article and…