Not to mention being cruel to Brienne just because the writers could. Create happiness to destroy it. They could have had the same ending with him just sneaking off after the ice zombies dropped.
Not to mention being cruel to Brienne just because the writers could. Create happiness to destroy it. They could have had the same ending with him just sneaking off after the ice zombies dropped.
“White Walkers HATE her! This one neat dagger trick will end the Long Night”
You got it right. Been in local government for over a decade and this episode nailed it. How a Kiwi could get the beats so perfect in his direction is a mystery.
The lighting and how it appears as it would on public access tv. I was dying. I work in RE development so I really liked when they started talking about zoning ordinances. Because splitting hairs on what is and isn’t allowed is a special hell in and of itself.
I don’t get this review. Last week was boring set-up. This week was hilarious. This reviewer sucks.
I loved everything about those council meeting scenes. Absolutely hilarious
I’m sorry the person you were when you were younger embarrasses you so much now, but that does not make this album bad, it makes your perspective shallow.
Girl. No. This is a bad take and you should feel bad about it.
Is it possible your husband ruined it for you with his attitude? My ex made me hate things I loved by ridiculing me/them.
What do you mean who said anything about every single tweet? The article did. Multiple times.
I notice they’ve missed the moot, which is fair enough, nothing that significant happens there apart from getting to know a few of the Regulators and we’ve already done a bit of that. They’ve kind of rushed Jamie’s call up, though, a few episodes of meeting his tenants (and eventual militiamen) might have been good.…
They have some new things in the works, but I genuinely don’t know that they have other tentpole shows. I do think it’s hard to continue being the tentpole when your ratings have almost halved among 18 - 49 year olds. Now Apocalypse looks to be its most promising up and coming series. Vida has better critical…
My only real issue is NuGreg.
Drew, just wanted to take this opportunity to (indirectly) thank you for sharing your thoughts, either via Deadspin, GQ or your novels. I have enjoyed the vast majority of your work, and am rooting for you! Best wishes to you, your family, and everyone at Deadspin who works with you.
I would argue, respectfully, that the self-aggrandizing myths men tell each other—which are then accepted uncritically and enshrined in, say, the press as a matter of record—are among the most common ways men (and yes, people) consolidate their interests and protect each other, whether they know exactly what they’re…
Dude, if my partner ever complained about my choice of underwear, I would take all of his, hide them, and replace them with 7 pairs of g-string banana hammocks and tell him to have fun wearing them for the week. He can at me again afterwards about g-strings if he so desires.
When do we get Claire’s menopause storyline????
Clutch move with the preemptive Chopped GIF. Saving a lot of comment space.