
I was disappointed but it felt realistic. People tried to talk him out of pursuing her over and over again, though they obviously had a connection and were using each other for easy affection. They kinda indicate that he had built it up into this whole romantic thing in his head because he didn’t have to make any of

I was shocked when I found out they were actually keeping him in the show. He’s such a blatantly awful character and you could have cut him from the plot easily without losing much except a bunch of dumb foot fetish jokes.

I started reading the books after the first season and I do enjoy them for how detailed they are. It appeals to the nerd in me and definitely transports you somewhere else. I couldn’t finish them though. The longer they go along the more they meander without maintaining any sort of narrative momentum and start to feel

I work for a marine biology research institute that has an extensive shark tagging, tracking and conservation program and I approve this thread!

Yeah, I enjoy weed and I think it should be available for recreational and medicinal use but just like pain pills and alcohol there’s a safe way to use it and there’s a way to overuse it and totally tank your life.

I definitely think that most women struggle with some type of disordered eating, I don’t know how many develop the kind of intense eating disorder that would require inpatient hospitalization. A lot of my friends did things like skip meals or had weird eating rituals and obsessions but I didn’t know many other people

Yeah I was thinking that that sounded like some variation on the same thing. The guy went home with an internet date in some far-flung neighborhood against his good judgement, started hearing weird things coming from the basement, and decided to take off. Sounds like it could be an urban legend variation on this one,

You used to be able to hear the sound of another phone clicking onto the line if the other person did it while you were actively on the phone.

That kinda pseudo-rap part though... his enunciation is just ugh

Oh no, this is exactly what I worry I look like when I try to “act sexy” to music.

Most of the segments post online afterwards. Also you can watch most shows online at anytime afterwards on cable channel’s websites. Sometimes they make you create an internet account for your cable subscription but its nice to have the option since on demand can be finnicky!

I’ve never worked for a federal agency, but I’ve worked in communications for a bunch of state government agencies, working with federal government agencies. There are lots of routine day-to-day non-political communications tasks that go on that are not typically cancelled. Most of the time, especially in scicomm, we

Oh man as an XOJane refugee I’m glad to hear that. I loved her column and I’ll have to check it out.

Grant and hiring freezes do happen, communications blackouts are weird.

Hyde Park is like a super hippy-dippy neighborhood near UT in Austin though, the liberal center of Texas. Oh no crazy shit can happen in liberal enclaves too! Who’d have thought!

Uh, like 99 percent of 17-year-olds aren’t secretly plotting to murder people and having privacy and trusting your kid is part of helping them to grow into an adult.

Also if you’re confused and thinking that I was saying we “should” harvest or examine large portions of their populations to better understand them, I’m not. I’m saying that’s why it’s hard to know their age, it’s difficult to study without hurting them.

Interesting bar for legitimate academic study.

Eh, not defending Sea World but studying the age of large, necessarily rare and highly migratory species like killer whales is super difficult. It is a guesstimate at best because we can’t exactly go out and harvest or examine large portions of their population to study the age breakdown and figure out what’s “normal”