
I get that. I really do. In situations exactly like the one we’re discussing here, however, it WOULD make a world of difference since the murdering officer has plainly come out refusing to be interviewed.

Yeah, but the doo-doo heads WILL find a way to spin this around and tout their “Pro Life” championship... conveniently expecting us to forget that yanking healthcare away from millions is the exact opposite of “Pro Life”...

Agree 1000%. I think they should be tamper proof to begin with. I cannot for the life of me figure out WHY they’re being given the ability to decide when the damn thing is on.

Would you agree that, at this point in the game, it might be a necessary investment in public safety, despite the cost?

That’s an awesome idea! I’ve also floated the idea of no on-off switch at all.

I don’t think they should have the ability to tamper with an on-off switch in the first place.... I’ve heard people squawk about “What of their privacy when they have to use the toilet mid-shift!”

Do not, I repeat, do NOT read this article and then watch A Cure For Wellness.

Two things:

Well yeah. The health department would freak the fuck out if they happened to walk in during one of their bi-yearly ‘unannounced’ visits.....

Damn... I’m going to go ahead and apologize for this assfuck since he’s too busy getting extwa cwispy on his own private fucking beach. I’m looking forward to when you post about waltzing into work one morning and telling them to get fucked sideways. Seriously. Good luck!

Jeebus. I was not aware of this.. thanks for sharing. What an absolute dickhead. Further, I don’t understand why shit like this would be even up for debate in the first place >:(

You have GOT to be kidding!


I’m from NY, and that is absolutely correct. In driving school, they teach you that once you inch out into the intersection first, you have ‘taken command’ and other drivers are supposed to yield until your maneuver is complete. It’s a question on the exam as well.

I’m just gonna say that my office is situated at the corner of a very busy intersection with a light... I get to listen to cute little honk fights all day long when people wrong each other... we use the horn for soooo many wrong reasons... honking is the devil. It drives me crazy. I instantly go into Homicide Mode if

Yep. I think most of us have had that happen at some point in our driving careers, and it’s embarrassing as hell to be that sitting duck right in the middle with nowhere to escape....

That’s my thought as well... I kind of take exception to her being found at fault if her vehicle was completely stopped.... here in NY, 80/20 liability is standard and the one doing the hitting is always 80% liable and the hittee 20%. How is the hitter not complicit at all in the given scenario? I don’t get it.

And that’s the correct way to do it. I will sit idle and wait till the person in front of me makes it to the other side and clears at least a car length of space for me to fit in behind. I live in a VERY crowded little village with a ridiculous number of traffic lights on one Main St and this kind of shit happens

Well, color me fucken shocked.

I’ll comment about that once I can get past her 9 inch neck.... what the holy fuck. Please tell me someone shopped that shit.