
"...even if sometimes you have to take an extra-long shower at night to get the blood and stink off of you."

Because as time has passed, we've all begun to realize how empty, shallow, and cynical his approach is. The biggest problem of the GOP in the last few presidential elections has been that they've been more concerned with the crafting and presentation of the message, than in the content of the message itself. Luntz

the most surprising part is that this DIDN'T happen in Florida

Know what you mean. On the other hand, many men, young and old, only wish they were more like Bill Murray.

The BYU shirt (and degree) makes it that much better.

Only 30%? I was under the impression he was halfway there

That photo of Gregg Williams looks like Gregg Williams took a screenshot of his Wii Mii, took it to his stylist/barber/whateverthefuck and said "Make me look like THIS."

The cop was later asked to write an essay on exemplary policing for the Washington Post.

Tony Randazzo can be emotional at times, whereas Ayn Randazzo always acts objectively.

That's gold jerry, gold!

My god. The smell must be crippling. Equal parts talcum powder and sulfur.

Jason Garrett sure cleans up nice.

Threesome, bro.

Most important question must be... Will there be an AMG version?

There is, but you gotta get deep in there to find it.

But how does it effect Tebow and his return to the NFL?

Cue obligatory response from ESPN: This is the last time that Derek Jeter will be a player when Lebron switches teams.

Can't wait to see all the bandwagon fans bail the Heat machine now and start wearing Cavs gear.