
After the boomers, remember to re-sharpen your long knife for the white women!

Looks to me the “Honey Bucket” people are missing a marketing opportunity

I had Seahawks tickets for fifteen years until .....Jim fucking Mora and the recession.

Please stop wasting energy on attacking the person.

“He won’t be elected” has been replaced with “ He would never do that”

I’m an old. 54. KAC is another one of those cooky critters Bill Mayer gave a platform to in order to be “fair” to Republicans on his show.

This stuff happened every night. There’s literally 1000 plays you could show that were equally magnificent, probably more. I was courtside for a few of them. I remember Calabro yelling at Kemp “Nobody does the voodoo, like you do” Kemp half turning toward Calabro, and pointing at him. Truth.

Thing I don’t get is:

About as long as it took Dave Reichart to arrest the Green River Killer.

It’s better to think of her as Re-Education Secretary, and her brother as the security company hired to escort you to “school”.

Sooooo......one of the Toll Brothers at Transportation?

Please regale us with your military experiences.

I predicted the election results, and everyone laughed.

Why not? Well, does Kansas have a musical named after it?


All true. Yet, he has been in politics for 25 years, and could barely get nominated for office by his party with 50.9% of the vote.

1. Drop a big old turd of a lie

It’s the perfect analogy to the election

I’m breathlessly awaiting Donald Trumps opinion of this.

People are consumed with feeding the Trump Trolls. It may make you feel superior, but it counter productive. It’s all misdirection while the powerful men in Trump tower destroy Medicare as a rollout to destroying Social Security and every other Government program that does not benefit the rich and powerful.