
I’d like you to expand on that a bit. I would agree if you are calling her a terrible campaigner.

The moderator is the audiences tool used to understand the definition of argument between the participants.

How convenient

I’m just going to pull a wild hair out of my ass and guess that you are the guy who votes Republican almost always, but claims to be a libertarian at public gatherings.

Why do you have to bring tampons for wealthy women into the discussion?

All I know is that if I was a racist asshole pulling in $5k per at bat, I’d shut the fuck up.

THEE Steve Clemenger?

Obviously, you never sold anything door to door when you were a kid

A CNN reporter? That’s fucking IT!

Larry David

Medium talent

Was this excerpt funny? It’s certainly not as good as when he made that OJ joke at the Espy’s about Charles Woodson never getting his Heisman taken away unless he murdered his ex wife and a waiter.

What Emperor Palpatine would look like in a suit

What is it about the born-into-wealth-sons that makes them think orange sherbet hair plugs is the way to go?

Bill would crush him and smile the whole way through

Not if it is just a straight up grift. Why pay for insurance when your not going to pay?

The reason I supported Bernie was in a large part due to my believe Hillary is unelectable. She is a terrible politician.

So......5 hours of wealth creation out of Paul Allens fortune.

You are swell!

Let's eat grand, ma