
Are you saying there is an upside?

hey man, you don't have to find excuses to need more weed. Just get more weed.

Want to see a PAK37, or a V2 rocket? How about a Sturmkovic? Mustang, Zero, or Spitfire? T34 or Sherman?

next weeks movie is about a bunch of New Yorkers kidnapped by aliens in the 1970's

Do you always look like a truck stop harlot, or was it just that night?

I so want to go to the Blue Moon with you and Lindy West, and just listen.


Sooooo...are you a BCT? What about MYBuddy

lynch just doesn't like Training Camp. He is doing a Walter Jones impression, and will get a little tacked on to his contract. He will be there on the fourth of September.

And unfortunately, it may well take a lawyer to get you out of it. You need to get the hell out of there, Stuck… but it's going to be difficult to do so with your sanity and your credit rating intact. Depending on the details (including whether the lease is in your name, her name or both), the baby-daddy's living

More evidence you are a Russian

I'm not sure if it would be possible to throw more weasel words into that blatant pro Russia rant.

Best NBA team Cleveland. Best NFL team Seattle.

remember, it doesn't count to Phil knight unless you swallow

THEE Gretchen Carlson?

No sweetie, I am still in mourning over my having to cash a two billion dollar check. Therefore, you do not need to call a third girl.

My tip: do not loiter next to a semi truck. If anything happens to make the driver come into your lane........adios muchachos

Glad to have found you again after reading you in The Stranger for all those years.

The most health? Seriously? For whom? The rich, that is who, and those who can afford it. The rest, well.... fuck em.

you are just completely talking out of your ass. OPEC embargoed oil, that is why we had rationing. It was not about price controls or price fixing or Bob Barker and PriceIsRight.