Probably because kids are told to go to college in high school, you know, when they don't really understand money yet! By time most college students realize what the amount of debt they have actually means it's far far too late.
Probably because kids are told to go to college in high school, you know, when they don't really understand money yet! By time most college students realize what the amount of debt they have actually means it's far far too late.
This is an unreasonable amount of sage advice.
No matter how fabulous of a driver you are, there is a good chance you will be in a car accident someday. Here are…
That's cool, not arguing with you - but I see it happen every day, particularly at agencies that are militant about REAL ID (they're out there).
Can we get some more bags from women?
I think the take away isn't to shoot for 'good enough', but to understand when 'good enough' is all you need to achieve your goal.
Yeah, it's gotten to the point where I pretty much assume any unsolicited correspondence from a bank, IRS, whatever, is a scam. I even get bank emails sometimes about my account that I don't trust, and I'll call the bank just to make sure it's on the up and up.
my lace in one boot is a wire saw that i powdercoated black so they look like laces
that way, if im ziptie cuffed in the back of a squad car i can reach down, cut through my bindings and then murder that fucking pig
my other boot's lace is a gun
3 different kinds of knives, and zip ties? This is like a serial killer's go bag.
She probably also thinks that goddamned dress is White and Gold.
Kickstarter itself isn't a scam. I've backed many successful projects. But it can be used for nefarous purposes, and there is risk associated with backing a project. But to call Kickstarter a scam is just wrong.
Vote: Weather Underground
The problem with Valentine's Day, and every other holiday, is that they are just a day on the calendar. A relationship is an every day thing. I just bought my wife a new Kindle, because it was on sale and I thought she'd enjoy it. It came last week Wednesday. I let her open the box and told her it was a Happy…
Yeah, I think one of the more important things about Valentine's Day is that you don't need a designated day to do nice, thoughtful things for/with your partner.
I would pay good money to watch one of those assholes crying for his mommy when the judge gives him 20 years in federal prison.
I thought bed rest meant playing video games from the recliner all morning until you were tired. Then napping. Eating a snack and start watching a movie. More napping. Eating some crackers and soup. Then going to bed for the night.
Yeah you'll lose them unless you downloaded them to the device and don't go online with it until you're done reading. I haven't tested it to see how long it'll let you keep reading without connecting to the mothership, but as soon as you do the books will all no longer be readable for free.
Yeah you'll lose them unless you downloaded them to the device and don't go online with it until you're done…
No, I mean that sometimes I can't schedule my family's life around the school breaks. And sometimes my kids have breaks at different times.
As a parent who's only lived in places where taking kids out of school for vacation is fine, I can't believe this is even a thing.
Welp that's the best damned thing I've seen all day and it's still early. :D