
I had friends that used a scat mat to keep their cat off the new sofa. Apparently, their Siberian husky decided to climb onto one day, got zapped and promptly shit all over the couch. It was hilarious :D

I love how the cat has the perfect "screw you" look on his face, too. Beautiful.

My cat just loves sitting on sandpaper.

I'm not a paid spokesman or anything, promise! Just like to give credit where it's due and it's probably the first bag I've bought where I thought it was actually worth it.

This one's a no-brainer. You don't need these anymore. All the music and movies you want are on the internet now or can be stored on a hard drive. So rip them and make some space on your shelves. Bonus: most urban recycling centers accept CDs and DVDs in your blue bin.

You left out "The Happy Ending", 40 dollar special massage.

Oh Mary, we all understand how you stay employed. You're one of the most genuinely awesome people in sports television, sort of an anti-Collinsworth, and you know your stuff like few others. I raise a glass to you.

I love finding out about these things from 3rd party sources... Thanks Lifehacker. Oh, and screw you, Comcast.

Hey...that's a heck of an idea. Thanks.

I also don't understand why everyone is hating on this guy. He's winning, and as long as he isn't cutting his opponent's buzzer cords, he's fine.

I never freeze mine because the fats can separate and no amount of shaking makes it homogenized again. It's really gross. And it is less packaging, but the plastic jugs are recyclable in my city, but the bags aren't so it generates more garbage.

I've had that Kindle for a few years now, and I still really like it. I use a case with a built-in light, so the lack of backlight doesn't bother me too much. It even draws power from the Kindle itself. Beyond that, I actually prefer having physical buttons to turn the page; it's always seemed too easy to accidentally

So.....you violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?

You really think kids will be logical about this?
Please let me know if this works for you.

Sometimes Anonymous just gets it SO right.

How has this guy not been killed by someone? People have been murdered for a lot less.

I just wanted to comment, based on your username. Sometimes when I've felt backed into a corner and had to justify myself, to myself, I would proclaim: "everything I ever did, I did for England!!!" : )

"Merry Christmas"
"Happy Hanukah"

Generally any kind of season's greeting with religious connotation.