
This is why we can't have nice things.

exactly. what a fucking idiot the original poster is.

Dollar for pound, nothing beats the Dremel when it comes to portability. With a wide variety of attachments and handy travel case that comes with most Dremel tools, it's perfect for small projects on the go.

does not protect from being shot in the eye.

It looks to me like she is lunging at him. While I don't advice men to hit women, if someone you don't know is attacking you, you get to hit them.

I ordered this in 1981, but received it in early 1982. The Sinclair ZX-81. Wasn't much of a computer, but you could program it (in basic, and machine code) and there was even a simple flight simulator for it. It had 1k of memory, and I did get a memory upgrade of 4 or 16k (can't recall exactly.)

It was a dog...but this was where my love for computers started in 1988.

Vote: TARDIS 4-Port USB Hub

I don't consider $150 bags designed by some LA stylists 'Army Surplus' just because they come in a 'Desert Tan' color

Just outside my office. Leadville, Colorado.

I have one that I used for hiking a few times. It's pretty loaded.

Wunderlist, depending on your platform.

I've looked at Coast by Opera on the ipad. Interesting interface that I am still getting used to.

Way to reward brand loyalty, Apple.

Yeah, I'm wondering how they will distinguish new devices in the App Store.

When I was 5 I asked my Grandpa why do I need to make my bed every morning? His reply, "Why do you need to wipe your ass every time you shit?"

Wouldn't a koozie be more comfortable? And more practical?

Of all that I read about beginning Evernote, the best advice I saw was just start using it and commit to putting everything in to it. I'm sure in time I'll want to refine how I organize things internally in Evernote, but for me the big win is simply having everything available in Evernote, indexed and searchable on

If you are a beginner and still figuring out how to organize your Evernote, I recommend reading The Secret Weapon. You can customize it however way you want once you have it up and running, but it gives you a framework for organizing your notes especially if you are into GTD.

I missed adding my favorite and this is it, hands down: Uni-ball Power Tank Ballpoint. Smooth. Cheap. Priceless. Like I said, it's smooth. The ink flows super nicely. The barrel is not too big and not too small. Comfortable. It's retractable which is a must for me. I prefer the black, but the blue is really nice as