
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

Snow is not really a problem here. Because of the altitude, dry air and amount of sun we get, any snowfall is mostly gone in a day or two and the occasional blizzard is something that happens very infrequently (4 or 5 years gap on average). Winters are classified as “moderately cold”. We have more problems with

This table rates Colorado Springs that has an average of 243 sunny days a year as “below average” for weather. For that reason alone I would tend to disregard everything else.

Well that didn’t last long, and not even available on Prime.

Well that didn’t last long, and not even available on Prime.

I got this same kit for Christmas when it was on offer on Amazon for under $100. It is fucking brilliant and the batteries are good in a host of Black and Decker tools.

I got this same kit for Christmas when it was on offer on Amazon for under $100. It is fucking brilliant and the

just the usual gawker drivel dressed up to look like a real article.

Mmmmm... Good. My wife makes delicious pimento cheese but has never used cream cheese in it. This weekend that all changes.

Congratulations network TV. There is not one show I want to watch there. Not fucking one. Thank whatever for Amazon Prime and VPNs which allow me to watch other things.

Make a fucking t-shirt out of that to go with the bat flip one

Story dated 5/13/12

How the FUCK does a seven year old post float to the top of Gawker? Are you that fucking hard up for new material, you useless fucks?

“One male fan, aged 32, described himself to me as a huge and “fanatical” Beyhive member.”

Fuck you jezebal/gawker for helping to spread tmz’s shit. Why not just wait instead of speculating?

Perfect response. Until then this is just another bullshit story cooked up by Gawker as one more piece of worthless clickbait.

Plus you have the security of being able to have it in front of you easily when you’re in a crowd (like on the Metro). Any suggestions for someone looking for a good sling bag as a replacement for a backpack?

That is a nice backpack at a nice price (and its now on my Amazon wishlist!)

$500 for a backpack? It’s nice, but sorry, that’s a stupid price for a single bag.

and guess what? This is how politics in general and presidential elections in particular are going to be from this point on. This country is going down the toilet with no chance of rescue.

Holy shit. These are the most stupid ideas I have seen in a long time “Can you clean a slow cooker with a dryer sheet?” “Can you cook a whole meal in a coffee maker?”. Who seriously needs to know the answers to these questions?

I wear over-the-ear headphones that are plugged into my iPad sitting on my desk so that’s not an issue, but we don’t have any “rules” here about use of phones and we can certainly stream music/podcasts etc. on our laptops if we choose to. Small office though.