Quite honestly I wish a few more people here would wear headphones - it might increase productivity while cutting down on them sharing shit music/podcasts!
Quite honestly I wish a few more people here would wear headphones - it might increase productivity while cutting down on them sharing shit music/podcasts!
Is disapproval of wearing headphones in the office really a “thing”? I wear them all the time as it helps to shut out the noise of things I’m not interested in and nobody here seems to mind (or care).
I shit you not, I am pretty useless with stuff like this, but I upgraded our laptop to Win 10 and I didn’t have a seconds problem. I guess we had all of our Win 7 stuff 100% updated so maybe that made it simpler.
Yeah I’m still laughing at it. Which of course makes me a bad person, but I really don’t give a fuck.
“where I spent nearly $300 of Gawker Media’s money on caviar and birthday cake.” I bloody hope you expensed it back.
A simple one I was taught was to pick a phrase you know and just use the first letter of each word in the phrase:
Nice one. Every time I see her face I have only one thought.
I hope the Broncos shit the bed as hard as they did against the Seahawks in 2013. I have nothing against the Broncos but I live in Colorado and I am sick and tired of the idiots I work with and local TV) going overboard over this team. They all seem to be blocking that last disastrous outing (plus I think Elway is a…
They now have chicken meatballs in addition to the regular swedish version and the veggie ones. Pair them with the potato fritters or the veggie cakes and they make a really easy dinner.
This would never have made Letters to Penthouse.
It’s not just Aaron Ramsey, it’s fucking Arsenal as a whole. Cleanse the world of this damn club and all will be well again.
As imperfect as it is, the legal system works. In other news Gawker explodes in a torrent of self-righteous posts. Why doesn’t everyone wait and see if a new trial date is announced?
Predictions are that fewer than 5% of quadcopters (please, can we stop calling them ‘drones’ for fucks sake) will be registered.
Their website says “$29.95 for unlimited saving and access to all the pro features. If you just want to use it for one-off scripts, and playback through copy and paste, then it’s free.”
Nice article. I run a teleprompter at our office as we create training videos for clients. Some of our instructors are naturals and others are just terrible. I can definitely relate to your point about the pacing of the text on the prompter. I tell the instructors we are filming, “just talk at your natural pace or…
In other news, all the crew members walked off the aircraft with their flight suits full of poop.
In what bizarro fucking world is 8-1 perfect? Are all articles in the gawker world written by half-wits?
Thank you all for reminding me why I never (ever) want to live in New York.