Burt Wardroom

Everything I've ever seen about this person has been on this Web site. I like y'all, but not that much.

I was saying Boo-urns.

I'm sure he looks awesome, epic and for the win, but it would be nice if he looked good instead.

It's overly long and superfluous to the concept of King Kong, like everything else in that movie and the movie itself. It's about as charming as an actual bug bite.

There has not been a single good or even justifiable King Kong movie after the first one and I doubt they're gonna start now with one that has a colon in the title.

We're going with an Oscar to argue he's a good actor? Ouch.

He's very good at seeming confused that he's in whatever movie I'm watching. Me too, Jeremy, me too.

Like a bowl of oatmeal, maybe.

Actually this is pretty much the first time they've ever been right about anything. They deserve credit for that but, you know, stopped clock twice a day. Generally they're credulous idiots.

Chill out.

I'd say most people who are vocal on the Internet are just not huge fans of Hillary Clinton. Hell, Clinton's favorables among self-descibed liberals dropped from 75% to 63% over the summer and according to most polls, continued to decline.

Is this the cutting edge?

You're not funny, is the problem. Like, you think saying something about Hillary Clinton jacking you off is automatically funny. But that's just you saying something about Hillary Clinton jacking you off. It comes across as weird and socially awkward instead.

So if that means Hillary is going to throw me in a box and milk me for my semen for refusing to ever think differently,

I don't think anything you could call the "alt left" was backing Clinton or optimistic she would win.

I'm really sick of the protagonist always living in some sleek modern house on a beautiful lake drinking wine and staring out her window. Plus the international politics of it all were super out dated, like it was written in the Kennedy area.

That's… Contact. That's so sad.

I'm gonna say again: I thought Hollywood's Jeremy Renner phase would have ended years ago. When I saw Bird try to play the guy opposite Tom Cruise in Ghost Protocol, I said to myself, "It's like they threw a dart at a wall of headshots."

I can't think of anything more appropriate to someone wigging out about a major party candidate perhaps winning the presidency and then having to deal with Congress like anyone else.

Why worry? It's not like they're going to stop making Batman movies any time soon.