Burt Wardroom

Fuck Bob Kane. You ever read a description of Bob Kane's idea for how Batman should look? There's a reason he had to steal sole credit for the character.

I wish, just once, a celebrity would go on a podcast and, after a long and disjointed speech about mind control and UFOs, shoot themselves in the head! Let their guard down for a change!

Nah, it's more than that. A man would have won the presidency having deliberately flaunted every conceivable traditional political rule. The effects of that are going to be beyond our conception right now

I am morbidly fascinated by the idea of a Trump presidency, both in how it would mean the complete and utter upending of what we consider traditional power structures (traditional news, political establishment, financial sector, unions, etc.).

I think I'll just not pay attention because whatever happens will still be there tomorrow.

The title of this article is close to the title of the movie it's talking about. Some sort of hidden meaning there? I hope someone can puzzle out this mystery.

My mind does an auto-correct every time I hear it so for a second I think it's Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, then a mental subroutine goes through and replaces the wrong band with the right one.

Nah, I see it too.

This is a couple steps too removed from substance to make a lot of sense, but I'm getting that this was somehow a cause for good and cathartic feelings in somebody. And I'm glad that happened, I guess…?

I agree wholeheartedly on McDuffie. It's not that they can't make a good show without him, but they'd lose a lot of what made that incarnation great if they tried to revisit it without him. Not to mention, they'd have to majorly revamp their voice acting cast based on waning interest from many of them as I understand

Wade Eiling.

Yup. Different groups calling themselves the KKK, and there are a few, have endorsed many major-party candidates in the recent past.

Why would he finish that shit? I wouldn't finish that shit. What are they going to do, take the TV money back?

What I found personally frustrating was the double standard where maybe, maybe, all of one of the couples I knew, including those "happily married" with kids, involved two partners who measured up to the exacting standards that seem to be set in a lot of people's minds for "you have to be this cool and confident by

Yeah, I'm absolutely sure my inexperience with that level of worry is sampling bias on my part.

I feel "Rebecca really just needs to be alone for a while and figure things out" is maybe a little too cheery of a read of this show.

I am kind of amazed it's a "thing" in the other direction. Like, there have been a few women in my life who thought I might want to avoid it as a guy based on their previous experience, but I was like, well it's not like I don't understand the fluids that are down there every other day and then neither party ever

I got one for this feature: "List of Saturday Night Live incidents".

So we know that if you're already into Wonder Woman comics, you'll like it. *rings up Danny* Huston, we have a problem.

Danny Huston's half-assed attempt at a German accent remains nigh incomprehensible. At first watch-through, I was like, "You… you welcome the house?"