Burt Wardroom

If you accept terms slung at you by your enemies you come off as a tool, so it doesn't totally surprise me that you're okaying A.V. Club's premier racist commenter.

It seems like that would work on everybody.

You're part of it, so shut up and sit down.

I like this cast, but the premise is going to be a difficult sell. I don't think a lot of people are going to find the concept behind "Her" easy to buy in a contemporary context.

Or, maybe… capitalism has existed for hundreds of years?

I only listen to "Ride of the Valkyries" while smelling napalm in the morning.


Whether it has verisimilitude of the real one is actually neither here nor there. It’s a piece of art.

You think I'm writing in defense of Trump, while what I'm actually saying is that behind every top-selling book on how to make it big in business are two people: a ghostwriter, and someone as bad as Trump or worse.

Funny how the simple fact in the title becomes evident whenever a capitalist's life is turned inside out, while every other book that's exactly like Trump's, by terrible men exactly like Trump, adorns the shelves of liberals who dream of turning their Twitter accounts into "small businesses".

There's a l-l-l-lot of things I'd call new wave, but "un-self-conscious" i-i-i-isn't one of them.

Holy image g-g-generator, Batman, it's my time to sh-sh-sh-shine!

It's the only reason the movie was made.

It is about the definition of irony that she, of all people, is the exploited-du-jour for not one but two movies in a single year embodying what she at least claimed she opposed in the last few seconds of her life.

The same thing I'll do if Hillary gets elected and continues her ongoing murder of people in the Middle East and North Africa through wars of aggression (her real platform, if you can even call it that): build within my community and prepare for a brighter day, which sadly, likely won't be brought about in the United

People practice politics every day that have zip to do with the two top parties - in the streets, among groups in their community, even in conversations with their friends and loved ones. I'm guessing you do too, although you conveniently forget that whenever you want to fantasize that one of those parties has your

This is not an edgy opinion outside of the United States, especially in the countries I mentioned, but it might qualify as "edgy" in the United States, sure. Which is kind of my point.

There are more than a couple options in between "vote for capitalists to rob us" and "total Armageddon" offered by history, but I do sympathize as the people in power do everything they can to offer those as the only ones.

I don't know who that is but if he associates with John Oliver he's dead to me.

I know, right? But this time he used, like, jokes about math. He's pandering at 100 times Earth's gravity.