Burt Wardroom

The fucking sad part is that Democrats actually think Canada is better. Then again, they think the Democrats are left-wing, so they're not starting from a position of wisdom.

Voting for any of these clowns is participating in your own oppression. It's cowardly and psychologically damaging. Even Bernie Sanders is an honest-to-God war criminal given his full-throated support for America's attacks against Libya and Syria. Fuck 'em. Politics through the ballot box in the United States is

Rich kids all suck.

Bourgeois party politicians are all serial liars.

Don't dislocate your shoulder patting your own back.

John Oliver. He's the worst.


Extreme respect to the author for also providing the illustration at top.

obviously not

edgy as fuck dude

I like Brian Posehn but his public persona doesn't exactly blast "listen to my opinions on music". Seems like more of a "Top 10 episodes of Star Trek" kind of guy.

shorter version of your comment: "I don't understand analogies"

I really hope they don't decide the answer is just to insert more quips into the next Justice League and Wonder Woman scripts.

No one's arguing your point with you because your point is "People hate goodness and light" and that's a child throwing a tantrum.

My theory is that people are offended by anything resembling real visual style.

Grow up.

They shouldn't have done it anyway. Whether or not it works for Disney, Marvel's plan as an one-size-fits-all strategy is cinematic poison, but investors will punish any studio that doesn't try to grab the brass ring.

I think even Max would admit that those women were saying, "I am so desperate to be liked I will pretend to like this book."

Tucker has an excerpt from his latest book up on his Web site. It helpfully indicates the parts of the story where he's being loud through a bullhorn and the parts where you're supposed to laugh, which are the same parts, by increasing the font size for those parts by a few points. It concludes with a cop telling him

No one is anything that you read on TV Tropes, a Web site that treats absolutely anything whatsoever as a universal quality for no reason other than someone has free time to write about it. Start there.