Burt Wardroom


Your last paragraph there kind of flies in the face of everything else you're saying. You first suggest these are not generational traits & everyone does them, then act like they're things that only 15-year-olds do and imply moral censure for adults who do them. It's a hell of an "ought" to derive from that "is".

It's because the material context is economic class, and that scares people, because it's largely inherited generation to generation without a hint of fairness, which means you have a choice: talk about it as something to abolish, go crazy or ignore it for the sanity-preserving fantasy that you are not like the people

You wanna try that again, in English?

A violin so small you use an electron microscope to play it.

There's also the people who know a shit-ton about comics but aren't part of this site's preexisting circle jerk, but yeah, sure, they're a bunch of n00b poseur frauds who showed up to comment on a story about a Valiant release for some reason, that's sane and rational to believe.

Are you saying a Valiant title with a colon in the middle is more "accessible" than a DC superhero book, or that stories about weird-ball "curious" art comics get more comments from non-comics-readers than DC/Marvel superhero books?

1) How is any of that a bad thing, for anyone?
2) Are we seriously having the equivalent of the "fake nerd girl" wagon circle in this story's comments? For real?


So legends say that the legends say that the legends are based on true stories, basically.

Nothing about that footage was "popularized… by Will Ferrell". Will Ferrell got laughs because it was already incredibly well-known.

This is the same site that deemed Ghost Rider on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D "iconic" this week, so go figure, I guess.

This headline is kind of cheating if the whole week for this feature is in reference to "Blair Witch", but I guess I can't blame you for assuming everyone's already forgotten about it.

Personally, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be having kids because you're willing to accept that as a premise for civilized behavior, but hey, I don't control your dumb ass either.

There's something to be said for this movie's cult status, and for it staying that way.

Actress paid to go on press tour for Disney says Disney makes smart choices, while she's on Disney press tour, gotcha.

Article didn't mention gender… that was you.

The book is mean, the movie is maudlin, but neither of them are very clever.

You want to know what someone would look like if they called their own album "Elvis Presley's Nevermind" or something?

Actually capitalists are the purest face of capitalism & celebrities are a distraction