Burt Wardroom

That's one weird-ass way to talk about someone who was actually molested

Subtract stupid jargon from your own whining and maybe you'll look less like a baby

You just look like a plain ol' whiner

Feldman and Black are kind of different cases… the sad truth is, gonzo "you suck" publicity will make more money nowadays for relative nobodies than obscurity ever would. It's hard not to grab what you can and sock it away… people may call you a fool today for taking it, but on a rainy tomorrow you may call yourself a

O'Neal back on the street… Truth is, I have a lot of sympathy for people messed up young by fame. They can run it out, sure, but Feldman had terrible things done to him by most accounts & has at least spent some time trying to help the cause.

Let's chill out.

I've noticed that "iconic" has been recently redefined to mean "some relatively obscure shit that nerds know about", so that's interesting.

Using meaningless terms like "Mary Sue" is a great way for you to explain that you're dumb and we can all ignore you, so thanks.

You Won't Believe How Paul Bettany Did Not Actually Ever Look Like That And Cannot Really Fly And Also Cannot Make A Cape Just Grow Out Of His Shoulders

Learning about science is difficult and takes a long time, and 99% of the "OMG science is so great" people are your run-of-the-mill B.A.-repping liberals who are actually taking a vaguely lefty-but-not-very political position and don't feel gutsy enough to argue their own points. It's not like it wasn't exactly the

"Passionate" is a lame code word for "I'm afraid to engage, so here's some condescension."

On the other hand, they might have strong opinions about him and the will to comment as a result, like, say, probably five or ten things that are the same way for you. Mind-blowing.

Some of it, but not all of it? That seems like a reasonable conclusion to draw, but then again, if you're categorizing all distaste for what he says and does as "hate", reason has already flown out the window.

It's odd that you "love" the "hate", in a sarcastic way, I'd assume, and then in your second paragraph you lay out all the legitimate reasons people think that their Facebook feeds should calm the hell down about him for a second.

It seems like almost — if not all — of the "backlash" against him is
rooted not in any of the work he does, but rather on "He tweeted shit
about a movie I liked! What an asshole!"

Or feel like you do, rightly or wrongly, which is ultimately his job.

Most of them come from reality TV as far as I know. In the early 1980s, TV shows still had pretenses of social commentary; at some point later, mainstream critics became pretentious enough to talk like just showing powerful people doing bad things was some sort of commentary on them, and TV people said, "Yeah! Yeah,

All my best and here's hoping she later directs something I watch.

It could, easily. I've honestly lost track of how many shows are based on how much Americans like to watch rich people getting away with things.

Consensus: a thing you can put in a headline that will make slightly more people click on an article about a TV show they didn't watch.