Burt Wardroom

I feel that this crappy TV show probably lacks the impact of the experience of physically dressing your own father.

Wow, I'm sorry that it takes you this amount of mental gymnastics to get around the simple reality that it's his job to not piss off huge chunks of his viewers. I really am sorry, I have a vested interest in living in a world where more people can face simple facts without freaking out.

Sure you can: it's called The Tonight Show and it's not there to stop people from getting away with things. It's there to be bland and inoffensive and over after most of its viewers have dozed off.

I like to dream of a world where he's able to just step out in front of a camera and say, "The Tonight Show didn't become the #2 non-prescription soporific for the elderly after grain alcohol by having opinions on things."

You don't really come across like you love them. You come across like you're deeply insecure.

What's your criteria for someone who should commit suicide?

At least you realize all of that Facebook crap was your means of self-abuse.

It's still not a thing, get your head out of your ass.

There is this folk theology out there, based solely on single men's anger, that feminists don't want anyone having sex, so obviously, if women say they don't like something, it means that's the double-secret way to get any woman to fall in love with you. If women don't like something, they like that thing, Q.E.D.

The sad truth is that guys who are bitter about women read online that they're not supposed to do that to women, and since that information obviously got beamed down into people's fillings from the feminazi UFO mothership, they do the exact opposite.

It's an archaic way of saying, "If you looked more appealing, you'd have a husband by now." (Like there's any other kind.)

It's extra-funny because you know, since he put down #2 and #3, that he's nowhere close to being what he claims in #1, and likely has a self-defeating story about it in his head that will prevent it from ever happening.

That's usually how that works on here for those guys. "I can't wait until…", "I bet you that…", "If this were reversed, then surely…", followed by an expression of their anger at some weird crap they thought up as an excuse to get angry.

Sitting down is the mind killer. Sitting down is the little death that brings total obliteration.

For people with badly deviated septa, that's the only way to blow your nose. And you'd better do it before bed unless you want to wake up terrified and unable to breathe.

This should at least serve as an educational experience for a bunch of nerds who think that because Wonder Woman came before Whataburger, it doesn't matter when TW/DC registered the above logo (years and years after Whataburger registered theirs).

Possibly, but this logo was registered by Time Warner years after Whataburger registered theirs. So it was kind of inevitable.

There's no such thing as a "standard _____ logo", and TW registered this one very recently.

Yeah, all Simpsons jokes aside, it's a world that will instantly suck when you need one.

DC's registration of this logo doesn't pre-date Whataburger's registration of theirs.