Burt Wardroom

They don't.

You're a whiner

I'd almost forgotten this movie - thanks for the reminder. This scene is a seminar most movie-makers should attend on how to establish a sense of place and direction while shooting & editing, something Hollywood seems to have all but abandoned for the fun of CGI-ing impossible, confused camera paths.

Plenty more stories about Tiziana Cantone, a 31-year-old woman who hanged herself after a sex tape was leaked to the Internet. Cantone was ordered to pay $22,500 in legal fees even after winning a "right to be forgotten" case under E.U. rulings.

Caldwell looks totally fine and normal in that clip? White People Problems?

Hey, I'd love to get you to accept reality instead of writing eye-straining high school essays attempting to defy it with your banal opinions about Al Gore or whatever.

Pip pip and cheerio to your medicine supply.

Yeah, you definitely seem like you're not extremely agitated and off-putting.

You know.. I gave Pokemon a shot for a brief moment back in the day, and couldn't get into it - I found it to be something like a young child's trainer for an older child's RPG. But the whole glitch scene around it fascinated me, and I think this is probably why: a Lovecraftian experience that fell from the sky.

I can't keep it scintillating because my answer is Pyramid Head assaulting the monsters while you hide in the closet in Silent Hill 2 and that's just basic. But there really hasn't been anything more memorable in video games since for me, period.

It's kind of the obvious truth, though.

The reason?

The show has a ways to go to capture my love, but it at least gives an accurate impression of what it was like to sell drugs on delivery and have everyone take your life hostage and expect to be your best pal while claiming up and down that it's the drug dealer who always wants everyone to be their pal. Sometimes to


The problem is, as the article points out, that you can't really expect the most tepid and elderly of mainstream American institutions like Tonight to fight against a sickness at the core of American culture.

I'm of course convinced by your ability to misspell & oddly capitalize words in a near-schizophrenic attempt to imbue them with added meaning.

I, for one, never expected enough from Jimmy Fallon to even watch him on the Tonight Show.

No one cared about the characters - don't know if it makes it "not a horror movie", but it sure makes it a dull movie, maybe even a bad one.

It's not funny, it's not clever, it's just an excuse for Whedon to go Whedon.

In the end, it is a Tarantino movie, so I’m kind of an idiot for expecting anything else