Burt Wardroom

Rocky Horror is a fun movie that few people have actually bothered to sit and watch, combined with a fan-run "experience" that pretty much negates its message.

Sure, let me just get myself & friends from 10 years ago on the line so they can figure out how to sneak a bubbler into the theater.

My mini-gripe was how they changed the hands from the weirdly symmetrical six-fingered, two-thumbed ones in Alien to the three-fingered ones in Aliens. Easier, cheaper, and so on, but it went a long way toward making the monster less eerie and more like your average Hollywood "alien".

A lot of these comments seem to be just gushing about how Alien is a great movie. But I have no argument against that so fuck me, I guess

I always figured I'd want to watch this show someday. But someday is not today.


There's a drone? Does it see things? Or get batted out of the sky by the unseen witch or do anything at all except just totally fail to work ever?

It can't have a happy ending, that's for sure.

Stuff like "____ Sue" means "I don't have an argument so here's a catchphrase I read a while back."

You can't wait!

I'm not sure that first Captain America was greeted as a sequel by most at the time. There had been Marvel movies before, and it echoed them and in the end led toward another one, but there was still the idea Marvel was selling individual franchises and seeing what stuck, while general knowledge of the whole

The A.V. Club

Get a life


Here we see one of the common zombie-apocalypse arguments play out. Which is safer/smarter—staying put or staying mobile?

Because they're so attractive!

Oh shit here he comes!!

It's actually a normal fact that follows easily from prior knowledge, but that's how you get the kids reading your stuff nowadays.

No Labor Day cookout for you, huh?

One Weird Fact: James Gunn wrote Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake.