Burtonian Institute

Cool! Now have him hit on Jonah Hex.

So the Arkham games , Zero Year, and the Batman (the animesque cartoon) Riddler stuff is automatically awful because you can’t take the riddler seriously?

Yep. West is certainly top 3, but TAS is an easy win. I’ll throw out the O’Neil/Adams globetrotting detective Batman.

“Disney got to use Spider-man and they totally screwed him up.”

Great, now I have to boil my eyes, you monster. Take your stars and fucking shoot me.

I’m trying so hard not to vom now.

No they aren’t and everyone saying this needs to deal with that

Generations is an interconnected series of one-shots, so techinically each one is their own debut... Nightwing New Order is a continuing miniseries, so technically not its own debut...

Also, given that you can’t understand the difference between debuts and continuations, the article clearly is talking about the former, not the latter. Maybe you need to brush up on your reading comprehension. I fully understood what you were saying. Because I have good reading comprehension skills.

What pisses me off is that DC is hell-bent on exploiting something they clearly do not understand.

It just hasn’t found the Horn of Eld yet, say thankya.

Well, this is my new favorite quote. So I just had to create something to do it justice.

We built this city!

I’m gonna miss Peter Capaldi’s Doctor. But he’d a perfect live-action Rick Sanchez.