Burtonian Institute

Thanks for the front-page promotion of this, Annalee! I'm not one of the authors, but I know many of them and they totally deserve the shout-out (as do the editors and cover artist)! Just taking this opportunity to once again point out that Thursday Tales needs to be in the site drop-down menu! Like, yesterday.

Edit: it was "M'Onel" and "Lar Gand". I feel so embarrassed. (Always preferred "Bob Cobb" myself.)

Yeah, at least later writers have made an effort to connect all the initial handwavium into something that appeared consistent. I always liked Mon-El (or M'Nel, or Valor, or Lor-Gann, or whatever they're calling him in present continuity), and the idea of a whole planet of Supermen fascinated me. It fascinated

I won't deny this whole scene wasn't extremely cathartic, but the way Supes dealt with Zod after his (plot-driven) wimpification bothered me even as a kid. "Now that you're powerless, let's just toss you off this ice cliff to lie broken and forgotten for the rest of the movie." Wait, whaaaatttt???

I don't know about "worst", but I'm surprised no one's mentioned this mostly science-free remake of High Noon. By the time the bad guys who arrive on the noon shuttle are firing shotguns at th' Sheriff in the corridors of a mining base on airless Io, I've usually run out of stuff to throw at the teevee. And I like

Or better yet, follow the plot of the original Steven Gould novel more closely.

Um, do you guys ever talk to your sister sites?

So am I, if my last comment was really in May of 2012! Cheese!!

I actually owned 8 of these! (Yes, I'm old.) You got used to these covers fairly quickly as a kid in the 60's and 70's. The "shocking secret" was, 9 times out of 10, something like "Superman is just pretending to fool some really naive alien invaders."

Now playing

Edward Gorey was the modern master of things of this nature - though I suppose you would have to be a very special type of parent to actually read Gorey to your kids...

But ten years from now we invalidate the results of the voting.

I love this idea! And this is probably really wrong, but now I have Selina Kyle (Julie Newmar version, rrowr!) singing "What's It All About, Alfie?" in my head...

She had me at the Bat-Mite doll on Babs' bed! Lauren Faust is awesome.

In practice, it's a bit different from what the article implies, at least where I live. My county in Tennessee is "dry", but my town recently went "moist" (liquor can be bought in bars and clubs). Even when we were "dry", you could buy beer anywhere, and if you wanted something harder you just drove a few miles north

Was just about to say that myself!

Another good one from PvP.

Geesh. I can't be the only one who wishes he could travel back in time and whop Chris Claremont upside the head with something sizable before he went completely batsh*t! (Can't pinpoint the exact moment, but it's somewhere between the Brood Saga and Logan's "wedding".) Betsy Braddock was just fine as a character

Dang it, Esther, this is just too much fun!

Aguaman: Talks to fish... en Espanol!

I hearted Octopussoup for this one, then scrolled down and saw you got to it first, so you get a heart, too! Please excuse my lassitude in not checking out the whole thread first! Signed, Osterman's Mother