Yeah, I liked him just fine as Azrael, it was Azbats that got up my craw. And isn't that the elephant in the room no one's talking about re:Rises? (Though I seriously doubt Nolan would go that particular direction.)
Yeah, I liked him just fine as Azrael, it was Azbats that got up my craw. And isn't that the elephant in the room no one's talking about re:Rises? (Though I seriously doubt Nolan would go that particular direction.)
Love the last one! "You can do what-ev-err you feeeeeeeeel..."
Oh, Good Lord, I hope not!
What about fictional swears, like "Bloody Nass!" or "Zarquon!"? I sometimes find it quite fulfilling to cuss a blue streak without anyone knowing what the frag I'm talking about.
I don't know how much of the movie can be blamed on Robinson, but you should read Starman. Only good thing to come out of the whole Zero Hour mess.
My first thought as well! Hello, Sailor! (and consider yourself re-hearted)
I should in all honesty confess that I am in no way a programmer, I've just played around with languages a bit and am at least 30 years behind the times (which would make me, what, roughly Pre-Cambrian?). This was me in "You kids and your danged Interwebs" mode. I did have an aptitude for programming, it was the math…
We had a PDP-11 in the computer lab at my college when I was taking COBOL and Pascal (yes, I'm that old). I was lucky, they'd just installed CRT monitors and the PDP—the previous class had to feed their programs into a punch card reader, send them to the main campus on the other side of the state to be compiled, and…
When Todd McFarlane was drawing her. His Betty Ross was pretty top-heavy in Hulk, too.
Trouble. Mark Millar has some weird ideas sometimes.
And read "And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side" by James Tiptree, Jr., for a glimpse of how that might really get us into trouble someday.
On a related note:
Promotions don't seem to be working today, so I'll just reply: yes, "Alien Pregnant by Elvis" was a favorite of mine, too. Nearly every collection with Greenberg's name on the cover was an enjoyable read. I share your sentiments, he will be sorely missed.
No, ignore the above, I'm wrong, Anarky has an "A" symbol! It's probably "V" after all.
I'm pretty sure that 50 is actually Anarky's symbol, from the Batman books.
Actually, I've wondered if mine wasn't somehow phobia-related—the feeling is remarkably akin to stage fright when I discover that a simple name isn't readily available to me. I always remember it eventually, it's just exasperating that it takes a while.
Yes, in fact I think I've even experienced it in nested loops! A very "timey-wimey" feeling, for lack of a more scientific term.