I'm pretty sure it's Prospero and his daughter Miranda from The Tempest.
I'm pretty sure it's Prospero and his daughter Miranda from The Tempest.
@Discodave: Well, she was one of the more interesting Frisians on the list (there was also the last Governor of New Denmark and the guy who started the Mennonites, if you were interested). But I'm willing to take your word for it and say Harold Bluetooth. Apparently I'm the last, best hope of Britain and a Kryptonian…
@Grglstr: I typed "Watchful Crown" into Bing (what the hell, why not?) and got Mike Oldfield live in London—that's close to Leicester, relatively speaking. At least you got a random YouTube video out of it! :)
@Discodave: Bravo, Sir, well-played! Though I couldn't find you a Frisian monarch even with Wikipedia's help. I don't suppose you'd settle for Mata Hari?
@shan164: Oh. That's all right, then! Good show with being conveniently located, Loyal Vassal! (But it's Sire, with an "e" at the end. E. G. Marshall had similar trouble, I recall.)
@Gonne: And of course, The X-Files itself can be seen as a continuation of Kolchak: The Night Stalker (the episode starring Darren McGavin was quite a clever tip-of-the-hat, I thought).
I bet he's more embarrassed by his cameo in Wild Palms. (Google it, words fail me.)
I think you're probably fine, as long as it isn't "Biggus."
@shan164: I suppose you'll be wanting Australia, then? Oh, very well, I dub thee Sir Jax of Ur!
@MikeofLA: Cool, you can be Robert the Bruce! Everbuddy gets a crown!
@shan164: What's Kryptonese for "We are moderately amused?"
You're entirely correct, I should have changed "have" to "had." And if you read my entire post, I did not want to appear judgmental—I personally am fascinated with all things Japanese, and I apologize if I offended. But I really doubt you'd argue that there aren't different attitudes in Eastern/Western societies,…
@Kamenwati: Oh, I dunno, you can futz around with these things all you like, that's part of the fun. Yours sounds like it could refer to the Iron Crown of Charlemagne. So you're probably heir to the Holy Roman Empire. Greetings, fellow monarch! ;D
Apparently nobody bothered to read The Castle before naming it, huh?
Hey, yeah, and they could do a cross-promo where the Pres and VP settle their differences by wrasslin'!
By the way, if you've never seen it, Chuck Shepherd's "News of the Weird" has a sub-section that seems to suggest people with the middle name "Wayne" go into a certain line of work more often than chance might dictate. Probably coincidence, but a damn spooky one:
Ordering it to what? ;D
I've always been ridiculously pleased that the meanings of my first, middle and last names make a comprehensible sentence in English:
Well, one does what one can...
At the risk of sounding culturally prejudiced—well, c'mon, people, we're talking about Japan. They have coin-op dispensers for soiled undergarments.