Burtonian Institute

I vote for "Weiss Guys".

Agreed on Rolling Stone—they used to tick me off on a fairly regular basis back in the day, so I switched to Creem (at least they were funny).

Isn't every comics wedding ever automatically on this list?

Brother, can you paradigm?

Yeah, this may be my favorite io9 article evah!!

Sorry, didn't read all the comments on this piece, the concept of "Transformers continuity" got me giggling uncontrollably...

I'll give you the cinematography, it's filmed pretty trippily (and I confess I kinda liked it when the statue turns into Billy Preston at the end and sings "Get Back"). But the soundtrack? Seriously? This was the only vinyl LP that I ever scratched on purpose so I could return it. It should be virtually impossible to

I wasn't denigrating the Bee Gees' music—I liked 'em just fine (at least until they discovered falsetto). I was just referring to the near-insane levels of hatred the mere mention of this movie produced when first released, best summed up by the Rolling Stone review, where I believe it was opined that Robert Stigwood

And Peter Frampton and the Bee Gees. Or is that what you meant by "those robots"? ;)

Still not as horrible as this.

I resemble that remark! I've got a biological atavism—prehensile toes. Sadly, the mutant ability to pick up spare change with your feet won't even get you into the Legion of Substitute Heroes.

Hah, nice alliteration! And I think Stephen would totally be worthy of lifting Mjolnir (though he'd probably get an intern to try it first).

I suppose a mention should be made of Thor Corps...

I guess the Dots are an acquired taste, but you have to admit that flash-freezing the things in liquid nitrogen is inherently more "science-y" (dare I say "Mister Wizard-ly"? "Bill Nye-ish"?) than what this guy is doing.

I thought they looked more like a bunch of little trepanned Henery Hawk heads. But that's probably just a side effect of my own system being saturated with toonomerase.

This will date me, but the first one I thought of when I saw this list was Robert Sheckley's "The Gun Without A Bang". But greatest? I dunno, it had a pretty serious design flaw...

Okay, you guys are starting to get Grandpa a mite perturbed. So it's an old franchise that's possibly lost its relevance (like, umm, that "Star Wars" deal, ya mean?). Surely somebody besides me got that the central, snarky conceit of the first movie was that this perfect, Utopian society owed its existence to two

Well, Kiss actually performed the song, so maybe it doesn't count?

They did—HUZZAH!!!

For a slightly more humorous (but still pretty gruesome) take on something similar, read "Man From The South" by Roald Dahl. (Can't remember for sure, but I think either the newer "Twilight Zone" or "Outer Limits" reboot made it into a segment—starring John Huston!)