
Is there a reason he’s not fired yet?

I love that this dude further proves what a total douchebag he is by not having the decency to just. . . I dunno. . . step aside for a while. It’s possible that if he just took a break from refereeing for a year or so, this might actually blow over and he’d be able to slink his racist ass back in.

Yes. Her general point distracts from the problem and frames it instead as some sort of competition among minority women instead of a fight against white patriarchy.
But I also want to call out one of those tweets embedded for its logical fallacy because there are enough legitimate points to bring up in this

Maybe you are.

What’s up with this canned cranberry foolishness in this post? I am legit baffled.

Y’all keep sleeping on mashed potatoes, so clearly you’ve never had mine. Boil them down in chicken broth, season them up (milk, butter, salt, pepper, garlic, fresh herbs), then bake it until it’s nice and golden brown on top. My mashed potatoes yield marriage proposals.

Wtf how can you hate brownies?

I’m gonna try that for Christmas. 

This is all fine and good, but the canned cranberry sauce debate needs to die yesterday. It’s a reminder of when I didn’t know how to cook as a youngin and had bad taste in a lot of things.

Everybody should put some money back and buy a decent sized prime rib (not Choice or Select, USDA Prime) for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

As a Jamaican myself were having jerk turkey with copious amounts of curry goat and chicken

Cranberry sauce is better out of the can

If you are an atheist, bow your head during grace.

Why should a television series based on books that were about diversity and inclusion focus on diversity and inclusion? No idea, sounds crazy...

The entire theme of the Guards books was diversity, hell did you read Monsterous Regiment?

The Watch is a punk rock thriller

Yeah, unless they’re doing a pretty dramatic re-interpretation, that’s pretty inaccurate.

You’re all wrong about the Vimes casting. He can’t be traditionally handsome. He’s gotta look like he’s LIVED, y’know? Like life’s smacked him around a few times and it just taught him to have thicker skin. A bit of resentment in every look, but the potential for softness as well.

“Also why should everything be about diversity and inclusion? Trying to get a good review on Vice?!”

Where do you think most of the CGI budget is going? It’s going to be some of Andy Serkis’ toughest work, and may Blind Io forgive him and the creators for inflicting a true representation of Nobby Nobs on the world. *shudders*