I’m just happy it finally happened. A few decades late, but at least his victims can have some semblance of justice. (I grew up in Chicago too & am p sure EVERYONE knew, but the people with the power to stop him didn’t give a single f***)
I’m just happy it finally happened. A few decades late, but at least his victims can have some semblance of justice. (I grew up in Chicago too & am p sure EVERYONE knew, but the people with the power to stop him didn’t give a single f***)
I was CRYING. The names are excellent.
My refill was just cancelled by Walgreens despite being pending for OVER A WEEK. I have no idea what to do since it’s one of the cheaper drugs & now it looks like I’ll have to fight medicaid to put me on something else. This is such bullshit.
Ohhhh - godparents are in their own league.
My bed in SC (Clemson alum) was on cibderblocks. Not my bed now, but... I'm not quite sure what to think of my past self right now...😳
My Nonna passed away about 2 months ago. This was the first year she did not show up with 5lbs of mostaccioli and a ham, just in case.
I swear when I got to Amber's story at the end my eyeballs jumped outta my skull. Though I have snuck food during prayer (only with my item family, though not within sight of my Nonna b/c I do not have a death wish) you CANNOT jump there line like that. Wait 40 ish more years and MAYBE you'll get to be in the…
I’m sure his debate prep team are beyond thrilled that he doesn’t utilize them at all. (Though this, IMNSHO, is a good thing b/c he’s just horrible. Should have retired after Obama made him "cool Uncle Joe.")
Really? Because I always call ahead of time to tell them I'm bringing my service dog. Hence my permanent seat: row 1 (bulkhead), window seat. (But then again I'm a SD handler so ofc I do)
They are under the ACAA so...
In some cases miniature horses ARE service animals according to the ADA, so while extremely rare this isn't unheard of.
Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. Some airlines actually do this - I’ve always been given a first row seat @ the bulkhead b/c more leg room & out of the way
They are protected under the ACAA (air carrier access act), which is the ruling body for air travel. And the same protections (re: allergies are not an excuse for removal/denial of service) apply. It’s not her fault that the crew were racist shitheads who turned something that was actually solved (by her) into a case…
While I’m not denying that what happened was fueled by racism the ADA clearly states that allergies are not a valid reason to remove/deny service to someone with an assistance animal. Same with treating someone differently (aka quarantining them/us in a separate area) due to using a disability aid. I hate it when…
I swear they LOVE destroying our emotions. I’M NOT READY (but also omg YES. It’s been a long winter.)
Aw man is it only in California? (Not like I don’t own it or anything, but we all know it’s better on the big screen.)
OK nevermind - the link in the article takes me to just CA, but this link takes me to all 50 states: https://www.weticketit.com/blackpanther/
I mean yeah, I’d love to kick back & have a few drinks with her b/c I’m sure that it’d be a pretty good/entertaining time, but I’d be way more likely to go to THAT then a stand-up night with her since I don’t know her as a stand-up comedian.
Yeah but part of the reason that Girls Trip isn’t a “huge movie” is because it was barely marketed. I lucked out b/c I happened to be seeing a movie while it was out & it was showing during that time (and my neighbourhood is the target demographic for it). The fact that it grossed a mere$14m less then Mad Max: Fury…
I don’t think they were & tbh I played a lot of varsity sports in HS & my parents were almost NEVER there, which wasn’t really a big deal (very few parents were given the time of games/meets & where they were).