burro president

Look where you want to steer, and his fear had him looking at the curb. Classic.

Why does it always have to be about money? Maybe the VW fine should be that they provide free engineer training summer camps with free transportation to at risk kids for the next 10 years.

Small cars are supposed to be cheap. If they can’t make them cheap then they won’t be competitive.

Personally, I think the hug was genuine, and based on a recognition that he got a few things right.

You’d have to ask her lol.


Fastest distance between two points, brah. Cut them apexes.

Apex is your friend, track-out is your friend. Yes - to make the corner “straighter”. It can be rough on the car, but can afford to be more aggressive in a qualifying hot lap.

Makes the turn more straight so it is quicker although it beats on the car more. Drivers often get yelled at to stay off the kerbs in endurance racing.

makes the seat vibrate... gives you all kinda tinglies in your danglies :)


This man knows who Becky with the good hair is. Someone call Gawk... Oh. Never mind.

True story time. I used to work at a major recording studio in NYC. Many many successful rap and r n b records were recorded there. Among the clientele was a rapper who’s first and last letters of his rap name start with j and z respectively. His girlfriend at the time (and who may be his wife now) was an extremely

$60k is still way too much for a car that’s 13 years old. Also why the hell would anyone buy this when nowadays you can get a brand new $60k car that has nearly all of the features that this Maybach has?

Not at all, one of the greatest youtube channels of all time.

Ask the people he loaned money to if 8k a month is posh, I guarantee you that they’ll say yes.

Quick tip:

For all the people who think the $8k/month wasn’t lavish, they should take note of what he did with his savings when he knew there was an asset freeze coming.

You seriously consider $8k/month posh?

This is the only correct goddamn take and every clown who shows up at Lüftgëkühlt thinking their air-cooled 911 is an inspired, unique, #drivetastefully bit of outlaw counter-culture is deluding the hell out of themselves with a $2,000 Autodromo watch and a $50,000 car. Anyway, here’s my 924S